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VB6 get date/time last modified stamp of a file on the ftp server?

May 26 '16 at 07:54

do u have sample vb6 code for

FileTime time = Files.getLastModifiedTime(file.toPath());
I need to get date/time last modified stamp of a file on the ftp server.


In VB6 there is the Date data type. For example, to get the last-modified date/time for a local file in the filesystem:

Dim MyStamp As Date
MyStamp = FileDateTime("C:TESTFILE.txt")
With Chilkat, you want to stay away from the deprecated methods and properties. Some of the date/time related methods are deprecated. Using non-deprecated methods, you would do this:
Dim dt as CkDateTime
set dt = ftp.GetLastModDtByName("FILE_ON_SERVER.txt")
Dim MyStamp As Date
' To get in the local timezone, pass 1,  To get GMT/UTC, pass 0
MyStamp = dt.GetAsOleDate(1)