Using latest CkSocket connecting to SMTP server on TCP 25 then issuing StartTLS and ConvertToSsl.
MSVS 2010 C++
ConvertToSsl is failing at the handshake as follows.
ConvertToSsl: ChilkatVersion: convertToTls: Clearing TLS client certificates. clientHandshake: The client cert chain is NULL. cacheClientCerts: Cached TLS client certificates. Client cert chain is NULL. (leaveContext 31ms) clientHandshake2: createRandom: (leaveContext 15ms) sendClientHello: TlsClientHello_buildMessage: (leaveContext) sendHandshakeMessages: (leaveContext 15ms) (leaveContext 47ms) readHandshakeMessages: maxToReceive: 8176 Connection closed by peer. passiveClose: Passive socket closing complete. (leaveContext 31ms) Failed to read TLS record (2) tlsRec_msg: 0 msgLen: 8276 nReadNBytes: 0 status: 0 (leaveContext 141ms) (leaveContext 235ms) (leaveContext 297ms) Client handshake failed. (1) connectionClosed: 1 (leaveContext 359ms) Failed. (leaveContext 391ms)
Any idea what might be happening.