I have two questions:
Any info is appreciated.
For second, I successfully created a C level code (not C++) then i used Chilkat's C wrapper and libs. Thus, I am able to use Chilkat's classes and also my own C implementations with Go. When deploy Go, you have to deploy .so or .dll file along with it. This is the only viable solution until Chilkat releases libraries that have native Go support.
We'll get there eventually.. The top priority at this moment is XMLDSig and XAdES..
(The next version of Chilkat will have a new XmlDSig class)
We'll get there eventually? What it means??
About XMLDSig and Xades, have you a release date? Can I test a beta? I need sign xml with xades-bes in python. I use Chilkat in .Net, Python and VFP actually for other purposes.
We'll get there eventually? What it means??
Currently Chilkat has more important (top priority on to-do list) features and plans for libraries. Go will be supported in the future if everything goes fine.