I've upgraded my ftp2 activex control at the last version in last days; during my tests in some case I had some GetFile error message that with earlier version I did not have; there were messages like the one following. As you see: 1) Xml report says that "226-File successfully transferred" 2) Xml report says that "<downloadedbytecount>43</downloadedbytecount>" 3) Xml report says that "<expectedbytecount>325985</expectedbytecount>" so it seems that this error is about "<error>Downloaded byte count less than expected byte count.</error>" 4) But if I call Ftp.GetSizeByName, I've exactly the dimension corresponding to "<downloadedbytecount>" Have you ever find siyuation like this? Thank you
<ChilkatLog> <GetFile> <DllDate>May 25 2017</DllDate> <ChilkatVersion></ChilkatVersion> <Architecture>Little Endian; 32-bit</Architecture> <Language>.NET 4.0</Language> <VerboseLogging>0</VerboseLogging> <ProgressMonitoring> <enabled>yes</enabled> <heartbeatMs>0</heartbeatMs> <sendBufferSize>65536</sendBufferSize> </ProgressMonitoring> <downloadToFile> <localFilename>C:\Copatlife\PIGRECO_UPD\201706271737_TMP\MOBILGAM_PI_HORIZON\CONFIGURAZIONE\TypologyGroupList.ARG.BAK</localFilename> <downloadToOutput2> <modeZ>0</modeZ> <binaryMode>1</binaryMode> <setupDataConnection> <info>passive transfer mode</info> <setupPassiveDataSocket> <sendCommand> <sendingCommand>PASV</sendingCommand> </sendCommand> <readCommandResponse> <replyLineQP>227 Entering Passive Mode (62,149,141,10,191,120)</replyLineQP> </readCommandResponse> <dataConnect> <hostname></hostname> <port>49016</port> <socketOptions> <SO_SNDBUF>262144</SO_SNDBUF> <SO_RCVBUF>4194304</SO_RCVBUF> <TCP_NODELAY>0</TCP_NODELAY> <SO_KEEPALIVE>0</SO_KEEPALIVE> </socketOptions> <dataConnectSuccess>1</dataConnectSuccess> </dataConnect> </setupPassiveDataSocket> </setupDataConnection> <sendCommand> <sendingCommand>RETR TypologyGroupList.ARG.BAK</sendingCommand> </sendCommand> <readCommandResponse> <replyLineQP>150 Accepted data connection</replyLineQP> </readCommandResponse> <downloadRate>0</downloadRate> <totalNumBytesReceived>43</totalNumBytesReceived> <receiveTimeMs>Elapsed time: 31 millisec</receiveTimeMs> <info>Data connection closed.</info> <readCommandResponse> <replyLineQP>226-File successfully transferred</replyLineQP> <replyLineQP>226 0.000 seconds (measured here), 130.37 Kbytes per second</replyLineQP> </readCommandResponse> <error>Downloaded byte count less than expected byte count.</error> <downloadedByteCount>43</downloadedByteCount> <expectedByteCount>325985</expectedByteCount> </downloadToOutput2> <downloadToOutput>Elapsed time: 93 millisec</downloadToOutput> </downloadToFile> <error>Failed.</error> </GetFile> </ChilkatLog>
This would happen when the FTP2 component knows the remote file size but receives a different amount of data.
Maybe you have a situation where you previously downloaded a directory listing (either implicitly or explicitly), then something caused the size of the file on the server to change, and then you tried downloading.
You can try two things:
1) Set the ftp2.AutoGetSizeForProgress property = 0. (0 is the default, so this would only apply if you previously set the property = 1)
2) Call the ftp2.ClearDirCache() method before calling GetFile.
Hi, thank you for your reply; I've try your suggested solutions, but unfortunately I had the same messages like before; do you have any kind of other suggestion for this case? Thanks