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Cannot connect to IPSwitch WS_FTP (SFTP) using chillkat version

Sep 05 '17 at 08:44

I'm having a problem to connect to the IPSwitch SFTP Server.

This is the sample code i'm using in my program.

success = sftp.Connect(hostname, port)

It return false when it reach the line above.

                Dim port As Integer
                Dim hostname As String
                hostname = tempArrUrl(2) 'ftpServer
                port = CInt(strPort)

                '  Load a .ppk PuTTY private key.
                Dim puttyKey As New Chilkat.SshKey()
                Dim ppkText As String = puttyKey.LoadText(puttyloc)

                '  "secret" is the actual password for the above PPK.
                puttyKey.Password = puttyPW
                success = puttyKey.FromPuttyPrivateKey(ppkText)
                If success <> True Then
                    log.fErrorLog(sftp.LastErrorText & "-SFTPTest -  Failed to Load Putty Key - " & trackNo)
                End If

                '  Connect to an SSH/SFTP server
                ***success = sftp.Connect(hostname, port)***
                If success <> True Then
                    log.fErrorLog(sftp.LastErrorText & "-SFTPTest -  Failed toConnect to Server - " & trackNo)
                End If

ChilkatLog: Connect_SFtp: DllDate: May 25 2017 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: XXXXXX Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: .NET 2.0 VerboseLogging: 0 SftpVersion: 0 connectInner: sshConnect: Established TCP/IP connection with SSH server --sshConnect sshSetupConnection: clientIdentifier: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Release_0.69 Sending client identifier... Done sending client identifier. Reading server version... initialDataFromSshServer: SSH-2.0-WS_FTP-SSH_8.5.0

    serverVersion: SSH-2.0-WS_FTP-SSH_8.5.0
      algorithm: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
      algorithm: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
      algorithm: diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
      algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
      algorithm: ssh-dss
      algorithm: ssh-rsa
      algorithm: aes256-ctr
      algorithm: aes192-ctr
      algorithm: aes128-ctr
      algorithm: 3des-cbc
      algorithm: blowfish-cbc
      algorithm: aes256-cbc
      algorithm: aes128-cbc
      algorithm: cast128-cbc
      algorithm: aes256-ctr
      algorithm: aes192-ctr
      algorithm: aes128-ctr
      algorithm: 3des-cbc
      algorithm: blowfish-cbc
      algorithm: aes256-cbc
      algorithm: aes128-cbc
      algorithm: cast128-cbc
      algorithm: hmac-md5
      algorithm: hmac-sha1
      algorithm: hmac-sha1-96
      algorithm: hmac-md5-96
      algorithm: hmac-sha2-256
      algorithm: hmac-sha2-384
      algorithm: hmac-sha2-512
      algorithm: hmac-md5
      algorithm: hmac-sha1
      algorithm: hmac-sha1-96
      algorithm: hmac-md5-96
      algorithm: hmac-sha2-256
      algorithm: hmac-sha2-384
      algorithm: hmac-sha2-512
      algorithm: none
      algorithm: none
    ChosenIncomingEncryption: aes128-ctr
    ChosenOutgoingEncryptoin: aes128-ctr
    ChosenIncomingMac: hmac-sha1
    ChosenOutgoingMac: hmac-sha1
    ChosenIncomingCompression: none
    ChosenOutgoingCompression: none
    ChosenKexAlgorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
    ChosenHostKeyAlgorithm: ssh-rsa
    sshRawPacket: Socket connection closed.
    sshDhGex: Socket connection closed.
    Failed to read KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST response

--Connect_SFtp --ChilkatLog


Please post the hostname or IP address and port number (if different than 22) so that I can reproduce the problem (or send the hostname/IP to


I'm using localhost as hostname with port number 22 for testing on local pc.


Unfortunately, that doesn't really help.