Hi Team,
I am trying to upload one sample file to FTPs (TLS).
I am geeting below log error -
---------Upload Error --------- ChilkatLog: PutFile: DllDate: Aug 30 2017 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: Anything for 30-day trial Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: .NET 4.5 VerboseLogging: 0 RemoteFilename: test.txt LocalFilename: C:Testtest.txt ProgressMonitoring: enabled: yes heartbeatMs: 0 sendBufferSize: 65536 --ProgressMonitoring IdleTimeoutMs: 60000 ReceiveTimeoutMs: 60000 ConnectTimeoutSeconds: 30 soRcvBuf: 4194304 soSndBuf: 262144 uploadFromLocalFile: localFileSize: 39 uploadFromDataSource: initialGreeting: 220 PwC CFT FTP Server restartNext: 0 modeZ: 0 binaryMode: 1 pbsz_protp: simpleCommand: sendCommand: sendingCommand: PROT P --sendCommand readCommandResponse: replyLineQP: 200 Protection level set to P --readCommandResponse --simpleCommand --pbsz_protp setupDataConnection: active transfer mode setupActiveDataSocket: Using ephemeral port range for Active data connection. dataPort: 60543 portIpAddress: MyIPv4: 172,22,64,87,236,127 sendCommand: sendingCommand: PORT 172,22,64,87,236,127 --sendCommand readCommandResponse: replyLineQP: 200 Port command successful --readCommandResponse --setupActiveDataSocket --setupDataConnection sendUploadCommand: sendCommand: sendingCommand: STOR test.txt --sendCommand --sendUploadCommand completeDataConnection: acceptDataConnection: controlChannelReply: Reading intermediate response.. readCommandResponse: replyLineQP: 150 Opening data channel for file upload to server of "/test.txt" --readCommandResponse --controlChannelReply controlChannelReply: Reading intermediate response.. readCommandResponse: replyLineQP: 425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/test.txt" --readCommandResponse Final response indicates error. --controlChannelReply --acceptDataConnection Failed to accept data connection. --completeDataConnection Failed to complete data connection. --uploadFromDataSource Failed. --uploadFromLocalFile TotalTime: Elapsed time: 10781 millisec Failed. --PutFile --ChilkatLog
Code Snippet -
Chilkat.Ftp2 ftp = new Chilkat.Ftp2();
bool success;
// Any string unlocks the component for the 1st 30-days.
success = ftp.UnlockComponent("Anything for 30-day trial");
if (success != true)
return ftp.LastErrorText;
// If this example does not work, try using passive mode
// by setting this to true.
ftp.Passive = false;
ftp.Hostname = parameters.HostName;
ftp.Username = parameters.UserName;
ftp.Password = parameters.Password;
ftp.Port = 20017;
// We don't want AUTH SSL:
ftp.AuthTls = true;
// We want Implicit SSL:
ftp.Ssl = false;
// Connect and login to the FTP server.
success = ftp.Connect();
if (success != true)
return ftp.LastErrorText;
// LastErrorText contains information even when
// successful. This allows you to visually verify
// that the secure connection actually occurred.
Console.WriteLine("FTPS Channel Established!");
success = ftp.ChangeRemoteDir("/");
if (success != true)
return ftp.LastErrorText;//Directory Change Error.
success = ftp.PutFile("C:\\Test\\test.txt", "test.txt");
if (success != true)
return "---------Upload Error --------- " + ftp.LastErrorText + "---" ;//Upload Error.
return "File Uploaded sucessfully.";
Did you try setting ftp.Passive to true? When set to false you are in active mode which often fails. In Active mode the FTP server will open a connection to your computer (an incoming connection) which often fails (firewalls). In Passive mode all connections are made by your program (outgoing connections to the FTP server). Firewalls normally won't object to that.