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SGEN Fails with Incorrect Format?

Nov 01 '12 at 14:53

I can not get the x64 DLL to build as Release.

I get: "An attempt was made to load an assembly with an incorrect format: C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETassemblyGAC_64ChilkatDotNet4.dll." - SGEN

I normally build it simply from the Program Files directory. As a last resort I put it into the GAC 64 after reading your online articles.

It runs fine in debug, and I've used the 32-bit without issues for years. I have been migrating my app to 64-bit the last few days, and this is all I have left.

I have tried to build Release using both AnyCPU and x64. I get the same SGEN error either way.

Any ideas?


This problem only applies to SGEN. For the more general "incorrect format" problem, see this: .NET Incorrect Format Problem.

After reading through countless StackOverflow documents, I ran across someone that mentioned "make sure it's using the 64 bit SGEN". It was not, even though everything was set to x64. Actually nothing I tried got it to call the correct X64 SGEN so I simply deleted the x86 SGEN folder and copied all the contents of x64 folder into it and it worked.

The DLL is load correctly when installed now the SGEN worked.


I have some additional notes for you on this issue, too. It's not SGEN related, but it was another issue I had once I got the 64-bit app deployed to a test machine. The app kept crashing when loading your DLL.

Your DLL is dependent on the VC msvcr100.dll and with my 32 bit app, I had stuck the 32-bit DLL in the directory with your DLL for deployment. It was a way of always insuring your DLL could access it. I had not updated the installer to NOT deploy that 32-bit VC DLL and it was keeping your DLL from loading properly. Once I removed it and loaded the x64 VC runtime, it's working.

So, to recap, for SGEN errors, developers need to make sure that the 64-bit SGEN is running, not the 32-bit. With DLL load issues, make sure the 64-bit VC runtime is deployed. I have since updated the installer to run the MS runtime installer instead of "hardcoding" the DLL to the installer. I use Setup Factory, add the MS runtime as a Primer file and call it like this:

File.Run("wusa.exe", SessionVar.Expand("%TempLaunchFolder%\vcredist_x64.exe /q:a"), "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, true);

For 32-bit, they can use vcredist_x86.exe, of course.

I appreciate your tools. My company is quite dependent on them...