I am trying to use your SFTP component to list the files in a directory.
When I call sftp.OpenDir("."), it comes back with null and the last error text is:
ChilkatLog: OpenDir: DllDate: Aug 5 2012 UnlockPrefix: Anything for 30-day trial Username: chilkat Architecture: Little Endian; 64-bit Language: .NET 4.0 / x64 VerboseLogging: 0 SshVersion: SSH-2.0-sftp server SftpVersion: 3 hcCurDate: Mon, 03 Dec 2012 14:37:07 +0000 hcExpire: 7/2012 path: . Sent FXP_OPENDIR StatusResponseFromServer: Request: FXP_OPENDIR InformationReceivedFromServer: StatusCode: 3 StatusMessage: [2012/12/03 14:37:04.956] SSE2636 Command rejected due to sftp proxy policy settings: SSH_FXP_OPENDIR --InformationReceivedFromServer --StatusResponseFromServer Failed. --OpenDir --ChilkatLog
This is not a problem with your application code, nor is it a problem with the Chilkat component. It's an issue with the SSH/SFTP server. For whatever reason, your user account's home directory does not have permission to access a directory listing. This problem can only be fixed at the server, either with the SSH server user account settings, or the filesystem permissions for the HOME directory.