I think you use a tool to generate the CkXxxW header files (for example CkFileAccessW.h). I notice that all wchar_t parameters have really unhelpful names like w1 and w2.
As an example for the CkFileAccessW class there is this method
int ReplaceStrings(const wchar_t *w1,const wchar_t *w2,const wchar_t *w3,const wchar_t *w4);The corresponding CkFileAccess class it has this declaration:
int ReplaceStrings(const char *path, const char *charset, const char *existingString, const char *replacementString);
The wchar_t declarations make it impossible to use the IDE's tooltips to see what parameter is expected. Can you please improve the way those header files are generated?
Yes, I think this should be possible for the next version.