Sorry for the email Matt I'd completely forgotten about this forum !
Just trying this AbortCheck call back again and it is working however the HeartbeatMs is having no effect unless I ham misunderstanding the use
Here is the simple class from my VDF code. See comment
Thanks in advance
Class cGovTalkHTTP is a cComChilkatHttp
Procedure End_Construct_Object
Forward Send End_Construct_Object
Boolean bOK
Get ComUnlockComponent UNLOCK_CHILKAT_HTTP to bOK
//Set ComHeartbeatMs to 5432
Set ComHeartbeatMs to 65432
Procedure OnComAbortCheck Integer ByRef llabort
Integer i
Get ComHeartbeatMs to I // I shows the value I have set above BUT OnComAbortCheck is called way more than every 5 seconds or 65 seconds...Like several times a second. Infact it is still called even if I don’t set HeatbeatMs
The HeartbeatMs property, which is common to any object/class that has an AbortCheck event callback, indicates the frequency of the AbortCheck callbacks. If set to 0 (the default), then no AbortCheck callbacks will happen. If set to 10, for example, then AbortCheck callbacks will happen approximately every 10 milliseconds. Your code is setting the HeartbeatMs property equal to 65432, which means that AbortCheck will be called very 65.432 seconds..
Hi Matt
Yes this is what I was expecting from your documentation but not what i'm seeing.
Basically the setting of HeartbeatMs is having NO effect at all and the AbortCheck is called many times a second ... even when I set it to zero
Thanks Matt
Just resent a copy with same subj as this thread to cknotes address
You posted some code, but it does not actually show what method you are calling. For example, are you calling the Download method? Is it SynchronousRequest? Which of the many methods that send an HTTP request are you calling? That's the code I would need to see.
Hi Matt
Hopefully this contains all the code snips you need to see ...
Class cHTTP is a cComChilkatHttp
Procedure Construct_Object
Forward Send Construct_Object
Procedure End_Construct_Object
Forward Send End_Construct_Object
Boolean bOK
Get ComUnlockComponent UNLOCK_CHILKAT_HTTP to bOK
Set ComHeartbeatMs to 65432
Procedure OnComAbortCheck Integer ByRef llabort
// hook so you can update "we are still going" status
Send OnAbortCheckCallback
Object oHTTP is a cHTTP
Object oHTTPResponse is a cComChilkatHttpResponse
Function GatewayCall String ByRef sLastErrorText Returns Integer
Integer iSuccess iStatusCode
Boolean bOK
Variant vResponse
Get ComUnlockComponent of oHTTP UNLOCK_CHILKAT_HTTP to bOK
If (bOK) Begin
Get ComPostXml of oHTTP (psServiceURL(Self)) (psXML(phoMessageXML(Self))) "utf-8" to vResponse
If (IsNullComObject(vResponse)) Begin
Get ComLastErrorText of oHTTP to sLastErrorText
Else Begin
Set pvComObject of oHTTPResponse to vResponse
Get ComStatusCode of oHTTPResponse to iStatusCode
If (iStatusCode=HTTP_OK) Begin
Get ComBodyStr of oHTTPResponse to sLastErrorText
Else Begin
Get ComLastErrorText of oHTTP to sLastErrorText
Function_Return iStatusCode
Check to see if this new build has the same issue:
Hi Matt I'm not seeing any difference
The AbortCheck is still called many times even if HeatBeat is set to 0 and the heart beat value seems to be ignored
The DllDate in LastError is March 11
If I set it to 0 the Last error text contains IPV6 enabled connect with NO heartbeat.
If I set it to 5000 That line does not appear but no line contains 5000 or the word heartbeat
Thanks in advance
I understand the problem now. In other Chilkat ActiveX's the PercentDone event includes an argument for setting an abort flag. This is the case for the HTTP API in other programming languages. However, w/ the ActiveX the PercentDone event did not include the abort argument, and therefore to make it compatible, each PercentDone event is followed with an AbortCheck event. Therefore, in this particular case, the HeartbeatMs property controls AbortCheck events in general, except for those triggered by PercentDone. This is not something that can change, at least for now. The reason is that the ActiveX API cannot change because it would affect other programs that might be depending on it (known as DLL Hell where a DLL is updated and adversely affects existing programs).
The solution is for your application to simply ignore those AbortCheck callbacks. There shouldn't be more than 100 of them for any given HTTP request/response.
Thanks for the explanation Matt. Thats fine. Knowing that gives me the option to ignore it completly or simply increment a couter to know we are still moving etc