i'm tryimg to test one of your functions (Digital Sigantures), which is: "PKCS7 SignedData Detached Signature" as follow:
void ChilkatSample(void) { CkCrypt2 crypt;
// Any string argument automatically begins the 30-day trial.
bool success;
success = crypt.UnlockComponent("30-day trial");
if (success != true) {
printf("Crypt component unlock failed\n");
CkCert cert;
success = cert.LoadByCommonName("Merchant");
if (success != true) {
// Make sure this certificate has a private key available:
bool bHasPrivateKey;
bHasPrivateKey = cert.HasPrivateKey();
if (bHasPrivateKey != true) {
printf("No private key available for signing.\n");
// Tell the encryption component to use this cert.
const char * strData;
strData = "This is the data to be signed.";
// Indicate that the PKCS7 signature should be returned
// as a base64 encoded string:
// The EncodingMode may be set to other values such as
// "hex", "url", "quoted-printable", etc.
const char * strSignature;
strSignature = crypt.SignStringENC(strData);
printf("%s\n",(const char *)strSignature);
// Now verify the signature against the original data.
// Tell the component what certificate to use for verification.
success = crypt.VerifyStringENC(strData,strSignature);
if (success == true) {
printf("digital signature verified\n");
else {
printf("digital signature invalid\n");
// Try it with incorrect data:
success = crypt.VerifyStringENC("This is not the signed data",strSignature);
if (success == true) {
printf("digital signature verified\n");
else {
printf("digital signature invalid\n");
Evebthough i did not change anything in the code (Ecxept for adding the digital certificate), i keep getting the following 2 errors:
[bcc32 Error] digital signature PKCS7.cpp(61): E2193 Too few parameters in call to 'CkCrypt2::SignStringENC(const char ,CkString &)' [bcc32 Error] digital signature PKCS7.cpp(61): E2034 Cannot convert 'bool' to 'const char '
So, can you please tell me what is the problem!! Regards, rania
Each Chilkat C++ method that returns a string has two versions — an upper-case version that returns the string in a CkString (always the last argument), and a lower-case version that returns a "const char *".
For example, in the CkCrypt2 class:
bool CkCrypt2::SignStringENC(const char str, CkString &outStr); const char CkCrypt2::signStringENC(const char str);The lower-case method returning a "const char " returns a pointer to memory that may be overwritten in subsequent calls. Therefore, make sure to copy the string to a safe place immediately before making additional calls on the same Chilkat object instance. (Only methods that also return "const char *" would overwrite the memory from a previous call.)
The upper-case version of the method returns the string in a CkString object. It is an output-only argument, meaning that the CkString contents are replaced, not appended.