I have a problem when running mpstat command with update parameter and awk command (Linux 2.6).
When I sent command mpstat, I receive data. With awk (mpstat | awk '{print $3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11}'), I receive data too.
Now, I add update parameter: I receive data with mpstat alone: mpstat 10. But with awk, I never receive data, I have no error : mpstat 10 | awk '{print $3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11}'
int channel = ssh->OpenSessionChannel();
if( !ssh->SendReqExec(channel, "mpstat 10")
do {
if( ssh->ChannelPoll(channel, 1000) <= 0 ) continue; // with awk, always timeout
String ^ res = ssh->GetReceivedText(channel, "ansi");
if( res != nullptr ) System::Console::WriteLine(res);
} while(true);
I don't understand what it is happen. Have you any idea ?
Thanks for your answers.