I get this error " conversion from string to type double is not valid "
on this line of code
success = ssh.ChannelSendString(channelNum, "show int eth 1/1/" & TextBox1.Text & +vbCrLf, "ansi")
The textbox only get numbers entered in it not alpha. I'm not sure how to fix this issue.
But if I take away the & TextBox1.Text & and just use "show int eth 1/1/1" +vbCrLf, "ansi") it works
Cant understand why the other doesn't when its just a string.
thank you
I suspect this error is not from Chilkat, but is the error produced by the remote command run on the remote system? In that case, this wouldn't be a Chilkat issue. Is that true?
Thank you Chilkat
my problem was the /// it was trying do math and not act as a string.
When I did a Dim cmd As String then the command as cmd it worked.