Suddenly a normal vb6 project that uses the mail activex stops function.
Last Error;
ChilkatLog: SendEmail: DllDate: Oct 17 2009 UnlockPrefix: UOLCOMMAILQ Username: rogerio Component: ActiveX Recipients: NumTo: 1 To: email@email 'edited NumCC: 1 CC: email1@email 'edited NumBCC: 0 Need new SMTP connection SMTP_Connect: Connecting to SMTP server smtp.dominio:587 'edited smtp_host: smtp.dominio 'edited smtp_port: 587 smtp_user: xxxxxxxxxxx 'edited auth-method: 1 Failed to connect to SMTP server. Failed to connect to SMTP server.
Any Guess???
You're using a really old version of the library - I recommend downloading the latest version and then seeing if the problem persists (maybe there was some server-side change that the old library is incompatible with).
The error just indicates that the connection failed though - are you sure the VM has internet access? Can you ping the SMTP server from the command line, or connect to it via telnet?
Ok jpbro
I can access internet with the VM and I can ping the SMTP server from the command line.
I Will download the newest library and try again. But I think that the problem maybe of another kind of stuff, because other program made in VB6 that uses this same library functions normally in other VM. Thank You Rogério
New Library new last error:
ChilkatLog: SendEmail: DllDate: Jun 10 2014 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: UOLCOMMAILQ Username: xxxxxxxx ''edited Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: ActiveX VerboseLogging: 0 recipients: TO: email@email 'edited CC: email1@email 'edited totalCount: 2 --recipients renderToMime: createEmailForSending: xSigningAlg: sha1 Auto-generating Message-ID --createEmailForSending renderToMime: Elapsed time: 0 millisec --renderToMime progressTotal: 733 smtpConnect: SmtpHost: smtp.xxxxxxx 'edited SmtpPort: 587 SmtpUsername: xxxxxxxx 'edited SmtpSsl: 0 StartTLS: 0 SmtpAuthMethod: 1 SmtpConnect: Need new SMTP connection checkForExistingConnection: Elapsed time: 0 millisec Connecting to SMTP server smtp.xxxxxxxxx:587 'edited smtp_host: smtp.xxxxxxxxx 'edited smtp_port: 587 smtp_user: xxxxxxxx ;edited auth-method: 1 socket2Connect: connect2: connectSocket: connect_ipv6_or_ipv4: resolveHostname6: getAddressInfo: Failed to get host address info. (3) SocketError: WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND No such host is known. hostOrIpAddr: smtp.xxxxxxx 'edited port: 587 Versions of Windows earlier than Windows XP are limited to handling IPv4 only On Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, IPv6 addresses are returned only if IPv6 is installed on the local computer. --getAddressInfo --resolveHostname6 Domain to IP address resolution failed. --connect_ipv6_or_ipv4 --connectSocket ConnectFailReason: DNS lookup failed --connect2 --socket2Connect Failed to connect to SMTP server. --SmtpConnect checkOrMakeSmtpConnection: Elapsed time: 15021 millisec --smtpConnect Failed. --SendEmail --ChilkatLog
The DNS lookup is failing - are you sure that you have the correct SMTP server address (e.g. It looks like you've just got smtp.xxxx, not, which might be the problem.
Hello jpbro!
The smtp server is correct i can ping then! The IDE is crashing with the new activex library. Rogerio
I'm also using VB6 in a VM (WinXP SP3), and I'm neither getting a crash in the IDE, nor any problem connecting to my SMTP server and sending an e-mail message.
Here's the test code that I am trying:
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim lo_MailMan As New Chilkat_v9_5_0.ChilkatMailMan Dim lo_Email As New Chilkat_v9_5_0.ChilkatEmail With lo_Email .AddTo "Somebody", "" .subject = "Test" .Body = "Test" .FromAddress = "" End With With lo_MailMan .AutoFix = 0 .SmtpHost = "" .SmtpPort = 465 .SmtpSsl = 1 .SmtpUsername = "**SMTP_USERNAME**" .SmtpPassword = "**SMTP_PASSWORD**" .UnlockComponent "***UNLOCK CODE***" If .SendEmail(lo_Email) <> 1 Then Debug.Assert False Debug.Print x.LastErrorText End If End With End Sub
Does that crash your IDE? If not, can you post a small code sample that will crash the IDE?
Hi I tried your code sample and i could not send an email. The last error was the same as before. when i clicked the command button1 again the IDE chash. Rogerio
OBS. The command line ping is experience some kind of trouble. some time it resolves the DNS others not.
Unfortunately I can't reproduce the problem, so I'm not sure I can be much more help. I've tried sending multiple e-mails, and this is not crashing my IDE.
One thought - if you are using VirtualBox for your VM, did you upgrade to the latest version recently? If so, did you also update and re-install your Vbox Guest Extensions? I've experienced network issues before when the installed guest extension version was not in-sync with VBox itself.
Also, The WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND No such host is known error does indicate a DNS lookup problem. My suspicion is that there is something wrong with your network configuration that is preventing the lookup from succeeding (or the SMTP host name is possibly mis-spelled?)
I will download the latest version of virtualbox and Guess additions. I tried to turnoff the firewall without success. The smtp server name is correct Maybe is some wrong in network configurations that is preventing the lookup from succeeding. I don't know how to verify this but i will look at google. Thank you so much for your help!!!!