Can you provide a code example of how to encode a PDF file to a Base64 string (not to another file)? This is not for emailing purposes. Assume UTF-8 character set.
Here is some more detail: I use vb6, so I start by getting the pdf file into a string, using the following function:
Public Function FileGetBinaryString(ByRef as_File As String) As String Dim iFile As Integer iFile = FreeFile() Open as_File For Binary Access Read Lock Write As #iFile FileGetBinaryString = String$(LOF(iFile), Chr$(0)) Get #iFile, , FileGetBinaryString Close #iFile Exit Function End Function
I then feed the resulting string to:
Chilkat_Crypt.Charset = "utf-8" Chilkat_Crypt.CryptAlgorithm = "none" Chilkat_Crypt.EncodingMode = "base64" String_Encode_Base64 = Chilkat_Crypt.EncryptStringENC(the binary string)
But this doesn't seem to work properly (reverse decoding doesn't result in a proper pdf file).
VB6 strings are Unicode (not UTF-8) so you should use Chilkat_Crypt.Charset = "unicode" instead.
That said, you are better off working with byte arrays rather than strings for the file operations. Something like:
Option Explicit Public Function FileGetBytes(ByVal p_FilePath As String) As Byte() Dim l_Ff As Integer l_Ff = FreeFile() Open p_FilePath For Binary Access Read Lock Write As #l_Ff ReDim FileGetBytes(LOF(l_Ff) - 1) Get #l_Ff, , FileGetBytes Close #l_Ff End Function Public Function FileGetString(ByVal p_FilePath As String) As String Dim l_Ff As Integer l_Ff = FreeFile() Open p_FilePath For Binary Access Read Lock Write As #l_Ff FileGetString = String$(LOF(l_Ff), 0) Get #l_Ff, , FileGetString Close #l_Ff End Function Sub TestBase64() Dim lo_CkCrypt As New Chilkat_v9_5_0.ChilkatCrypt2 Dim l_Base64 As String Dim la_Bytes() As Byte With lo_CkCrypt .UnlockComponent "Your Unlock Code" .Charset = "unicode" .CryptAlgorithm = "none" .EncodingMode = "base64" End With ' For Encoding l_Base64 = lo_CkCrypt.EncryptBytesENC(FileGetBytes("C:\test.pdf")) ' Example save string below Kill "C:\test.base64" Open "C:\test.base64" For Binary Access Write As #1 Put #1, , l_Base64 Close #1 ' For Decoding la_Bytes = lo_CkCrypt.DecryptBytesENC(FileGetString("C:\test.base64")) 'Example save bytes below Kill "C:\test_decode.pdf" Open "C:\test_decode.pdf" For Binary Access Write As #1 Put #1, , la_Bytes Close #1 End Sub
Many thanks, jpbro!
All I needed to change in my code was .Charset = "unicode" (instead of utf-8).
Much appreciated!