We got the following error several times during we testing/using Chilkat program FTP2 which we downloaded your evaluation version about a month ago. Could you please help how to solve this issue? Thanks,
connect2: connectSocket: connect_ipv6_or_ipv4: SocketError: WSAENOBUFS No buffer space is available. The socket cannot be created. --connect_ipv6_or_ipv4 --connectSocket failReason2: 7 --connect2
Regards, Feng
This is a case where the error message should be Googled. Google "WSAENOBUFS No buffer space is available". The 1st search result is this URL:
The explanation on the web page at the above URL is:
"The WSAENOBUFS is returned because you are calling a port that was recently used and has not yet been released. If you try to use a TCP port that is already in use, the operating system (OS) will trigger an error, but not because the OS is behaving improperly, but just to warn that the APPLICATION making use of the OS sys call is trying to do something that is incorrect: you cannot bind two different applications to the same TCP port."
Thanks you for the help. We are still investigating this issue. Will update what we found.
More question, please see below function: we did not disconnect FTP(ftp.Disconnect)if there is an FTP connection issue - could be this cause some problems?
... ...
success = ftp.Connect() If (success <> 1) Then error_msg = ftp.LastErrorText
'should we put ftp.Disconnect here before exit function?
exit function
End If
... ...
ftp.Disconnect end function
Regards, Feng