I try to parse smime send from outlook (opaque signature p7m with certificate inside) but I cannot get the signer certificate
This is the sample code
CkoCrypt2 *crypt = [[CkoCrypt2 alloc] init];
if (![crypt UnlockComponent: @"Anything for 30-day trial"]) {
crypt.CryptAlgorithm = @"pki";
CkoCert *cert = cert =[[CkoCert alloc] init];
[cert LoadFromBinary:cert];
[crypt SetVerifyCert:cert];
NSData *data = [crypt OpaqueVerifyBytes:p7m];
if (!data) {
NSLog(@"LastErrorText =\n%@", crypt.LastErrorText);
CkoCert *cert__ =[crypt GetSignerCert:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
NSLog(@"--%@--", [cert__ ExportCertPem]);
Everything work and this is the log text
LastErrorText = ChilkatLog: OpaqueVerifyBytes: DllDate: Oct 2 2014 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: Anything for 30-day trial Architecture: Little Endian; 64-bit Language: IOS Objective-C VerboseLogging: 0 verifyOpaqueSignature: loadPkcs7Der: loadPkcs7Xml: loadSignedDataXml: NumDigestAlgorithmIdentifiers: 1 AlgorithmIdentifier: oid: 2.16.840. --AlgorithmIdentifier This is an opaque signature. Recovered original content. OriginalContentLen: 742 numSigners: 1 SignerInfo: signerInfoLoadXml: contentType: 1.2.840.113549.1.7.1 messageDigestHex: 8D65 A460 0900 54A6 8CB7 3ABD F1C0 223F 2EEB 2FF6 BE9C 16BD 68D3 C57F F83E 0B8D signingTime: 141119084046Z --signerInfoLoadXml --SignerInfo --loadSignedDataXml --loadPkcs7Xml extractCertsFromSignedData: numCerts: 1 --extractCertsFromSignedData --loadPkcs7Der verifyOpaqueSignature: verifySignature: numSigners: 1 numDigestAlgorithms: 1 Computing SHA256 message digest. numBytesDigested: 742 numSigners: 1 signerDigestAlgOid: 2.16.840. messageDigestSize: 32 Signer_0: issuerCN: USER B serialNum: 01 digestOid: 2.16.840. Digest of authenticated attributes DER matches. --Signer_0 Signature verified but skipping verification of certificates. --verifySignature --verifyOpaqueSignature --verifyOpaqueSignature Success. --OpaqueVerifyBytes --ChilkatLog Log 2: --(null)--
I don't know why I cannot get the signer cert while the software can parse it (show in LastErrorText => issuerCN: USER C serialNum: 01) This is trial version
Please help to get signercert after verify
The only way to help with this problem is for Chilkat to obtain a sample .p7m signed file so that it can be tested directly.