I've been using the Chilkat XMP library and have received complaints from customers that sometimes the XMP record is truncated. It seems like if the XMP record is very large 30Kb+ (not sure the exact number), then when I update the XMP record and save it, the record is truncated.
Have you run into this before. I'm running .NET 4.0 version of the ChilkatDotNet4.dll
The only way I found to safely save the XMP data was to remove some. The images that I've found to have issues with all had very large crs:PaintBasedCorrections and crs:GradientBasedCorrections. If I added a call to remove those prior to saving, it worked fine.
If you are still under support, you may send an email to with a sample JPG or TIFF and with a code snippet that shows how to reproduce the problem.
This new build (v9.5.0.47 pre-release) should fix the problem:
32-bit Download:
64-bit Download:
That release fixed my issue. Thanks