I get these link errors:
Os Windows 8.1 64 bit Qt 5.4.1 MSVC 2013 OpenGL 32 bit chilkat INCLUDEPATH += C:/chilkat/include DEPENDPATH += C:/chilkat/include LIBS += -Lc:/chilkat/libs -lChilkatDbg
Code: #include <ckzip.h> CkZip zip
Error ChilkatDbgDll.lib(Psdk.obj):-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol impGetUserNameA@8 referenced in function "public: static void cdecl Psdk:: getUsername(class chilkat::StringBuffer &)" (? getUsername@Psdk@@SAXAAVStringBuffer@chilkat@@@Z) ChilkatDbgDll.lib(Psdk.obj):-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol impRegCreateKeyExA@36 referenced in function "public: static long cdecl PsdkWin32::regCreateKeyEx(struct HKEY ,char const ,unsigned int,char const ,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ,struct HKEY * , unsigned long )" (? regCreateKeyEx@PsdkWin32@@SAJPAUHKEY@@PBDI1IKPAU_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES@@PAPAU2@PAK@Z) ChilkatDbgDll.lib(Psdk.obj):-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol impRegOpenKeyExA@20 referenced in function "public: static long cdecl PsdkWin32::regOpenKeyEx(struct HKEY ,char const ,unsigned int,unsigned long, struct HKEY * )" (?regOpenKeyEx@PsdkWin32@@SAJPAUHKEY@@PBDIKPAPAU2@@Z) ChilkatDbgDll.lib(Psdk.obj):-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol impCryptAcquireContextA@20 referenced in function "public: static int cdecl PsdkWin32::cryptAcquireContext(unsigned long ,char const ,char const ,unsigned int,unsigned int)" (?cryptAcquireContext@PsdkWin32@@SAHPAKPBD1II@Z) ChilkatDbgDll.lib(Entropy.obj):-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol impCryptReleaseContext@8 referenced in function "public: static bool cdecl Entropy::getRandomBytes2(int,unsigned char *)" (? getRandomBytes2@Entropy@@SA_NHPAE@Z) ChilkatDbgDll.lib(Entropy.obj):-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol impCryptGenRandom@12 referenced in function "public: static bool cdecl Entropy::getRandomBytes2(int,unsigned char *)" (? getRandomBytes2@Entropy@@SA_NHPAE@Z) debugChilkatTest.exe:-1: error: LNK1120: 6 unresolved externals
The unresolved externals are VC++ runtime library functions. They require additional Microsoft VC++ libs to be linked. You can find out which MSVC library contains the given Platform SDK function by doing this:
Add these libs to be linked with your QT app...