I'm attempting to upload to an FTP site with TLS enabled. I can connect fine but the PutFile fails. I have checked with our sysadmin on the settings and he confirmed I have them right but unfamiliar with the error.
FTP2.AuthTls = True FTP2.Ssl = True FTP2.Passive = True FTP2.SslProtocol = "default" Ftp2.Port = 21
My lastErrorText:
ChilkatLog: PutFile: DllDate: Dec 12 2012 UnlockPrefix: RYANCOFTP Username: CARL-PC:carl Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: .NET 4.0 VerboseLogging: 0 LocalFilename: C:republiccheck21Answers ETC.D12072015.T1014210.X937 RemoteFilename: AnswersETC.D12072015.T1014210.X937 ProgressMonitoring: enabled: no heartbeatMs: 0 sendBufferSize: 65536 --ProgressMonitoring IdleTimeoutMs: 60000 ReceiveTimeoutMs: 60000 ConnectTimeoutSeconds: 60 initialGreeting: 220 Microsoft FTP Service restartNext: 0 ModeZ: 0 BinaryMode: 1 Sent PROT P command. ProtPResponse: 200 PROT command successful. PbszProt: Elapsed time: 47 millisec Passive transfer mode setupPassiveDataSocket3: hostAddr: DataConnect: hostname: port: 5054 ConnectTimeoutMs_1: 60000 calling ConnectSocket2 IPV6 enabled connect with NO heartbeat. This is an IPV4 numeric address... AddrInfoList: AddrInfo: ai_flags: 4 ai_family: 2 ai_socktype: 1 ai_protocol: 0 ai_addrlen: 16 ai_canonname: (NULL) --AddrInfo --AddrInfoList Connect using IPV4. ipAddress1: myIP_3: myPort_3: 63751 connect successful (2) socketOptions: SO_SNDBUF: 8192 SO_RCVBUF: 8192 TCP_NODELAY: 8192 --socketOptions --DataConnect --setupPassiveDataSocket3 SetupPassiveDataSocket: Elapsed time: 124 millisec command: STOR PutFilename: [AnswersETC.D12072015.T1014210.X937] DataConnectionReady: Elapsed time: 0 millisec ssl_protocol_5: SSL 3.0 ConvertToTls: Elapsed time: 47 millisec Failed to convert data socket to TLS TotalTime: Elapsed time: 218 millisec Failed. --PutFile --ChilkatLog
This uses an old version of Chilkat. Always test first with the latest version to see whether the problem remains, or if it manifests differently. Also, notice that the protocol here is "SSL 3.0". The latest version of Chilkat will most certainly use "TLS 1.2" by default. This is likely the solution.
I had tried "default", "TLS 1.2 or above" and actually all of the choices listed in the docs and they all gave the same result. I'll get latest and let you know.
Thanks, Catl
I got latest and it's still giving the same error...
ChilkatLog: PutFile: DllDate: Oct 29 2015 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: RYANCOFTP Username: CARL-PC:carl Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: .NET 4.0 VerboseLogging: 0 LocalFilename: C:republiccheck21Answers ETC.D12102015.T1042090.X937 RemoteFilename: AnswersETC.D12102015.T1042090.X937 ProgressMonitoring: enabled: yes heartbeatMs: 0 sendBufferSize: 65536 --ProgressMonitoring IdleTimeoutMs: 60000 ReceiveTimeoutMs: 60000 ConnectTimeoutSeconds: 30 uploadFromLocalFile: localFileSize: 15482 uploadFromDataSource: initialGreeting: 220 Microsoft FTP Service restartNext: 0 modeZ: 0 binaryMode: 1 pbsz_protp: simpleCommand: sendCommand: sendingCommand: PBSZ 0 --sendCommand readCommandResponse: replyLineQP: 200 PBSZ command successful. --readCommandResponse --simpleCommand simpleCommand: sendCommand: sendingCommand: PROT P --sendCommand readCommandResponse: replyLineQP: 200 PROT command successful. --readCommandResponse --simpleCommand --pbsz_protp setupDataConnection: passive transfer mode setupPassiveDataSocket: sendCommand: sendingCommand: PASV --sendCommand readCommandResponse: replyLineQP: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,10,16,19,215). --readCommandResponse dataConnect: hostname: port: 5079 socketOptions: SO_SNDBUF: 262144 SO_RCVBUF: 4194304 TCP_NODELAY: 0 SO_KEEPALIVE: 0 --socketOptions dataConnectSuccess: 1 --dataConnect --setupPassiveDataSocket --setupDataConnection sendUploadCommand: sendCommand: sendingCommand: STOR AnswersETC.D12102015.T1042090.X937 --sendCommand --sendUploadCommand Reading intermediate response for upload... readCommandResponse: replyLineQP: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection. --readCommandResponse convertDataConnToSsl: ConvertToTls: Elapsed time: 16 millisec Failed to convert data connection to TLS --convertDataConnToSsl --uploadFromDataSource Failed. --uploadFromLocalFile TotalTime: Elapsed time: 140 millisec Failed. --PutFile --ChilkatLog