Hi support team, I'm testing Pop3 ir order to recive emails, but I've a question.
When I made MsgInfo(::oServer:GetMailBoxCount()) App says there are 203 email in server
But ::oServer:GetAllHeaders(1) Show only 7 email
Is this normal?
Check the contents of the mailman.Pop3SessionLog property to see the POP3 server responses. This might shed some light on what's happening..
Ok Thanks, I see that Pop3SessionLog retrieve all emails but it's my fault reading them.
But where is the correct documentation because I see the documentation on and
No way to find methods like GetString() or FetchEmail() that are present in samples like "Download POP3 Email using UIDLs"
The FetchEmail method is on the reference documentation page at (somehow you just missed it...)
GetString is a method on the CkStringArray object. The example links to the refdoc page for CkStringArray, and it is there: