Hi, can i ask one question please?
Its possible report progress for progress bar while making function CkEncryptFile?
this is H file
private: System::Void button_encryptFolder_ItemClick(System::Object^ sender, DevExpress::XtraBars::ItemClickEventArgs^ e) { folderBrowserDialog_encryptZipFolder->ShowDialog(); backgroundWorker_encryptFolder->RunWorkerAsync(); } private: System::Void barButtonItem_encryptZipFolder_ItemClick(System::Object^ sender, DevExpress::XtraBars::ItemClickEventArgs^ e) {
private: System::Void backgroundWorker_encryptFolder_DoWork(System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::DoWorkEventArgs^ e) {
String^ dirPath = folderBrowserDialog_encryptZipFolder->SelectedPath;
DirectoryInfo^ dirInfo = gcnew DirectoryInfo(dirPath);
private: System::Void backgroundWorker_encryptFolder_ProgressChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::ProgressChangedEventArgs^ e) {
Datapacket^ dp = dynamic_cast<Datapacket^>(e->UserState);
bottomText1->Caption = dp->bottomText;
and this is function in C file
void ProgramPreSrandu::MyForm::SearchTree(DirectoryInfo ^ root) { System::Threading::Thread::Sleep(.5f); Datapacket^ dp = gcnew Datapacket();
Crypt2^ crypto = gcnew Crypt2();
bool success;
crypto->UnlockComponent("30-day trial");
crypto->CryptAlgorithm = "aes";
crypto->KeyLength = 256;
array<DirectoryInfo^>^ subDirs = nullptr;
array<FileInfo^>^ files = nullptr;
files = root->GetFiles("*.*");
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException^ e)
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException^ e)
if (files != nullptr)
for each (FileInfo^ file in files)
dp->bottomText = String::Format("File: {0}", file->Name);
backgroundWorker_encryptFolder->ReportProgress(0, dp);
success = crypto->CkEncryptFile(file->FullName, String::Format("{0}\\encrypted-{1}", Path::GetDirectoryName(file->FullName), file->Name));
/*if (!success)
subDirs = root->GetDirectories();
for each (DirectoryInfo^ dirs in subDirs)
Thanks :)
really dont know how to use this in my code, canyou please make small example for me? many thanks :) soft is writen in C++
I have done this, how can i use it? i have this error:
public ref class MyCrypt2Progress : public CkCrypt2Progress { public: MyCrypt2Progress() { } virtual ~MyCrypt2Progress() { }
void PercentDone(int pctDone, bool *abort)
Console::WriteLine(String::Format("Percent done: {0}\%", pctDone));
void ProgressInfo(const char *name, const char *value)
Console::WriteLine(String::Format("Progress info. Name: {0}, Value: {1}", marshal_as<String^>(std::string(name)), marshal_as<String^>(std::string(value))));
i have done my own progress method via background workers, for now :)