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Compression.CompressFile Failing on large file (2.8 GB)

Jul 01 '16 at 15:42

I have been using Compression.Compress file successfully for quite some time, however, today I went to upload a larger file than usual and it locks up.. the output file gets stuck at 1.1GB

    Private WithEvents _zipper As New Compression

_zipper.HeartbeatMs = 500 _zipper.Algorithm = "lzw" _zipper.CompressFile(localPath, finalPath)


Thanks Maury,

I'll have a look. If you are using event callbacks, does the problem still occur without event callbacks? In other words, is it possible that an event callback, which is a callback into your applicatino code, is where it hangs? I know this is unlikely and I don't expect it to be the case, but I always ask w.r.t. hanging questions, especially if I see code relating to event callbacks (for example, where you set the HeartbeatMs = 500).


Hi Maury,

This new build should fix it:

32-bit Download:
64-bit Download:


Here's the .NET 2.0/3.5 build:

32-bit Download:
64-bit Download: