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Need Help Please with HttpRequest POST HTTP

Apr 17 '17 at 21:33

I am able to successfully send my request with Fiddler. I have made to my eye a exact situation in VBA with your References. But I keep getting a return response of an error.

Fiddler is good:

Content-type: multipart/related;type="application/xop+xml"; start="<0.urn:uuid:3c50a4c8237211e793ae92361f002671>";start-info="text/xml"; boundary=MIMEBoundaryurn_uuid_3c50a23e237211e793ae92361f002671
X-EBAY-SOA-SERVICE-NAME: FileTransferService
User-Agent: Fiddler
Content-Length: 2706

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fieldNameHere"; filename="uploadFile.xml"
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Transfer_Encoding: binary
 Content-ID: <0.urn:uuid:3c50a4c8237211e793ae92361f002671>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<uploadFileRequest xmlns="">
    <xop:Include href="cid:urn:uuid:3c50a5ea237211e793ae92361f002671"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fieldNameHere"; filename="AFPIBulkTest1.gz"
Content-Type: application/x-gzip
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
 Content-ID: <urn:uuid:3c50a5ea237211e793ae92361f002671>

    X AFPIBulkTest1.xml  Y_o 0G ;X}@ A m u 3`b  n     R  ,|z IڴqZH Ce ~w  > }N  f  4  y   H2.f [ W uZ/»w ^PC n 93      h    
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But in VBA I get Error:

POST /FileTransferService HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/related;type="application/xop+xml";start="<0.urn:uuid:bb47b766237311e793ae92361f002671>";start-info="text/xml"; boundary=------------070800040307060505030901
X-EBAY-SOA-SERVICE-NAME: FileTransferService
User-Agent: Surpius
Content-Length: 2657

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadFile.xml"; filename="uploadFile.xml"
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <urn:uuid:bb47b766237311e793ae92361f002671>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<uploadFileRequest xmlns="">
    <xop:Include href="cid:urn:uuid:bb47b86a237311e793ae92361f002671"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="AFPIBulkTest1.gz"; filename="AFPIBulkTest1.gz"
Content-Type: application/x-gzip
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <urn:uuid:bb47b86a237311e793ae92361f002671>

‹ÌÝìX AFPIBulkTest1.xml ½Y_oÓ0Gâ;X}@ A“m°uý3`b…²n ñ‚ÜøÚR»Ø,|zÎIÚ´qZHëCeû~wþÙ>Ÿ}Nðâf“ 4—âyë í·ˆH2.fÏ[×W¯uZ/»w‚^PCÏn¢93¸„ï    h£  êý¼•(ñ&4}J—\?…ÞEjèËÅR
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HTTP response status: 500
<html><head><title>Apache Tomcat/5.5.15-150 - Error report</title><style><!--H1 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:22px;} H2 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:16px;} H3 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:14px;} BODY {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:black;background-color:white;} B {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;} P {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;background:white;color:black;font-size:12px;}A {color : black;} {color : black;}HR {color : #525D76;}--></style> </head><body><h1>HTTP Status 500 - </h1><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><p><b>type</b> Exception report</p><p><b>message</b> <u></u></p><p><b>description</b> <u>The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.</u></p><p><b>exception</b> <pre>javax.servlet.ServletException: Mandatory Root MIME part containi
ng the SOAP Envelope is missing
</pre></p><p><b>root cause</b> <pre> Mandatory Root MIME part containing the SOAP Envelope is missing
</pre></p><p><b>note</b> <u>The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.5.15-150 logs.</u></p><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><h3>Apache Tomcat/5.5.15-150</h3></body></html>

This is not Soap and it is XML over HTTP. Please help me and thank you.

Here is my code in VBA Access Option Compare Database Option Explicit

Public Function ChilkatSender2()

Dim http As New ChilkatHttp
Dim req As ChilkatHttpRequest
Set req = New ChilkatHttpRequest
http.UnlockComponent "sdgsedgseg"

Dim TokenValue As String
    Dim FileAttachmentUUID As String
    Dim XMLUUID As String
    Dim APICALL As String
    Dim success As Long
    '  First, let's build the HTTP request object

    TokenValue = Forms!frmEbayAuthentication!txtTokenCode ' This is used for the Token Code insert manually on the Form Ebay Add Fixed Price Item.
    APICALL = "uploadFile"
    FileAttachmentUUID = Forms!frmuploadFile!txtFileAttachmentUUID
    XMLUUID = Forms!frmuploadFile!txtXMLUUID

req.httpVerb = "POST"
req.path = "/FileTransferService"
'  The boundary string is automatically generated and added by Chilkat.
'  The value for the boundary string doesn't matter. (As long as it's a unique string that doesn't occur elsewhere in the request.)
req.ContentType = "multipart/related;type=""application/xop+xml"";start=""<0.urn:uuid:" & XMLUUID & ">"";start-info=""text/xml"""

'  Adding the Connection: Keep-Alive is optional.  It only makes sense if the intent is to send
'  additional requests to the same domain ( within a reasonable time period.
    req.AddHeader "X-EBAY-SOA-SERVICE-NAME", "FileTransferService"
    req.AddHeader "X-EBAY-SOA-SECURITY-TOKEN", TokenValue
    req.AddHeader "User-Agent", "VBA Sender"
    req.AddHeader "Host", ""

'  --------------------------------------------------
'  IMPORTANT: Never set the Content-Length header.
'  Chilkat will automatically compute the correct Content-Length and will add it.
'  --------------------------------------------------

'  Add the params to the request.  Given that the Content-Type is set to "multipart/form-data", when
'  Chilkat composes the request, it will put each param in it's own MIME sub-part (i.e. in it's own
'  part delimited by the boundary string).
'req.AddParam "UploadAgent", "InterfaceVersion1.5"
'req.AddParam "user", "XXX"
'req.AddParam "password", "XXX"
'req.AddParam "file", "XXX"
'req.AddParam "data_version", "XXX"

Dim pathToFileOnDisk1 As String
pathToFileOnDisk1 = "C:\Users\Station\Documents\Access XML Save Files\New Testing\uploadFile.xml"
success = req.AddFileForUpload("uploadFile.xml", pathToFileOnDisk1)
If (success <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print req.LastErrorText
    Exit Function
End If

'  The last param is the contents of a file.
'  If it's a file on disk, we can add it like this:
Dim pathToFileOnDisk2 As String
pathToFileOnDisk2 = "C:\Users\Station\Documents\Access XML Save Files\New Testing\AFPIBulkTest1.gz"
success = req.AddFileForUpload("AFPIBulkTest1.gz", pathToFileOnDisk2)
If (success <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print req.LastErrorText
    Exit Function
End If
'  -----------------------------------------------------------
'Add Sub Headers Below!
'  -----------------------------------------------------------
req.AddSubHeader "0", "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"
req.AddSubHeader "0", "Content-ID", "<urn:uuid:" & XMLUUID & ">"
req.AddSubHeader "1", "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"
req.AddSubHeader "1", "Content-ID", "<urn:uuid:" & FileAttachmentUUID & ">"

'  -----------------------------------------------------------
'  IMPORTANT: To duplicate the HTTP request shown above, you'll want to choose
'  either AddStringForUpload or AddFileForUpload, but not both.  It's possible to upload
'  any number of files by calling AddStringForUpload and/or AddFileForUpload any number
'  of times, once per file to be uploaded.  This of course assumes that the receiving
'  end is programmed to receive multiple files..
'  ------------------------------------------------------------

'  The request is ready... now send it using HTTPS (which is port 443 by default).

Dim resp As ChilkatHttpResponse
Set resp = http.SynchronousRequest("", 443, 1, req)
If (http.LastMethodSuccess <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print http.LastErrorText
    Exit Function
End If

'  View the request that would be sent if SynchronousRequest was called:
Dim requestMime As String
requestMime = req.GenerateRequestText()
Debug.Print requestMime

Debug.Print "HTTP response status: " & resp.StatusCode

'  In this case, the response would be HTML because our Accept header
'  told the server to only return HTML.  The HTML is available on the BodyStr
'  property of the response object:
Dim htmlStr As String
htmlStr = resp.BodyStr
Debug.Print "Received:"
Debug.Print htmlStr
End Function


For debugging, try using "base64" for the transfer encoding.

Change this:

req.AddSubHeader "0", "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"
req.AddSubHeader "0", "Content-ID", "<urn:uuid:" &="" xmluuid="" &="" "="">"
req.AddSubHeader "1", "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"
req.AddSubHeader "1", "Content-ID", "<urn:uuid:" &="" fileattachmentuuid="" &="" "="">"

to this:

req.AddSubHeader "0", "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"
req.AddSubHeader "0", "Content-ID", "<urn:uuid:" &="" xmluuid="" &="" "="">"
req.AddSubHeader "1", "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64"
req.AddSubHeader "1", "Content-ID", "<urn:uuid:" &="" fileattachmentuuid="" &="" "="">"

Then get the session log as before, but this time you'll get base64 for the .gz part. I would then be able to decode the base64 to a .gz, and then see if (1) it's a valid .gz, and (2) what XMl content it contains.

(The error message was complaining about "Mandatory Root MIME part containing the SOAP Envelope is missing", so my guess is that the XML passed in via the .gz was invalid or incomplete, or maybe somehow the .gz was doubly gzipped, or did not ungzip to valid XML (perhaps ungzipped to garbage).


Here's the completed example:

Android: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Classic ASP: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

C: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Chilkat2-Python: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

C++: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

C#: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

C# UWP/WinRT: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

DataFlex: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Delphi ActiveX: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Delphi DLL: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

.NET Core C#: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Excel: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Visual FoxPro: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Java: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Lianja: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

MFC: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Mono C#: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Node.js: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Objective-C: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Perl: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

PHP ActiveX: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

PHP Extension: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

PowerBuilder: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

PowerShell: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

PureBasic: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Python: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Ruby: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

SQL Server: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Swift: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Tcl: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Unicode C: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Unicode C++: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Visual Basic 6.0: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

VB.NET: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

VB.NET UWP/WinRT: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

VBScript: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService

Xojo Plugin: eBay -- Upload Bulk Data using FileTransferService