I am trying to encrypt a file using streaming and All the examples I have found only show how to encrypt text in a stream. I have been able to figure out how to get that to work on a file.
Basically as soon as the encryption is started it says finished. It creates a file call source.dmp.encrypted and the size is 0 KB
I added some output for troubleshooting but that didn't help. I am using the newest chilkat dll ( .net 4.0 ).
What am I doing wrong?
Here is what I have so far:
Dim crypt As Chilkat.Crypt2 = New Chilkat.Crypt2
Dim success As Boolean = crypt.UnlockComponent("****************************")
If Not success Then
End If
crypt.CryptAlgorithm = "aes"
crypt.CipherMode = "cbc"
crypt.KeyLength = 256
crypt.SetEncodedIV("0000000000000000", "hex")
crypt.SetEncodedKey("abcdefghijklmnop", "ascii")
Dim fsIn As FileStream = File.OpenRead("source.dmp")
Dim fsOut As FileStream = File.Create("source.dmp.encrypted")
crypt.FirstChunk = True
crypt.LastChunk = False
Dim encryptedChunk() As Byte
'chilkat example says aes has a block size of 16 bytes
Dim b() As Byte = New Byte(1023 * 16) {}
Dim n As Integer
While ((n = fsIn.Read(b, 0, b.Length)) > 0)
If (n < b.Length) Then
' Don't encrypt the full 1024 bytes, only the amount read...
Dim tmp() As Byte = New Byte((n) - 1) {}
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Do While (i < n)
tmp(i) = b(i)
i = (i + 1)
encryptedChunk = crypt.EncryptBytes(tmp)
encryptedChunk = crypt.EncryptBytes(b)
End If
Console.WriteLine("Chunk Length=" + encryptedChunk.Length.ToString)
fsOut.Write(encryptedChunk, 0, encryptedChunk.Length)
crypt.FirstChunk = False
'Console.WriteLine("Writing Chunk")
End While
' Flush any remaining encrypted data.
crypt.LastChunk = True
Dim empty() As Byte
encryptedChunk = crypt.EncryptBytes(empty)
If (encryptedChunk.Length > 0) Then
fsOut.Write(encryptedChunk, 0, encryptedChunk.Length)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
MsgBox("Encryption finished")
The simplest solution is to just call Chilkat.Crypt2.CkEncryptFile(inputFilePath, outputFilePath)
The CkEncryptFile method will stream the file, so large files are not held entirely in memory.
Otherwise, if you really want to read chunk-by-chunk, this is a simpler example: