Hi, I need to use RSASSA-PSS Certs to create sign-files like p7s and I get error at following:
( link text )
ChilkatLog: CreateP7S: DllDate: Jun 23 2015 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: XXXXX Username: XXXXX Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: .NET 4.0 VerboseLogging: 0 inFilename: C:C1706291552231.txt outFilename: C:C1706291552231.p7s createDetachedSignature2: createPkcs7Signature: hashAlgorithm: sha1 detachedSignature: 1 numSigningCerts: 1 issuerSerialNum: 41 numAsnBytesToSign: 35 rsaSigLen: 256 buildCertChain: startCertDN: XXXXXXXXXXXX verifyCertSignature: unsignSslSig: Pkcs1_5_decode: Invalid PKCS v1.5 PS separator
and thanks for the quick response. The 64bit version is successfully tested.
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I have the same error with:
DllDate: May 25 2017 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: XXXXXX Architecture: Little Endian; 64-bit Language: .NET 4.0 / x64
If you need, I can provide a RSASSA-PSS Cert.
the same error by signing a eMail (S/MIME)
ChilkatLog: SendEmail: DllDate: May 25 2017 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: XXXXX Architecture: Little Endian; 64-bit Language: .NET 4.0 / x64 VerboseLogging: 0 sendEmailInner: renderToMime: createEmailForSending: Auto-generating Message-ID sendSigned: 1 sendEncrypted: 1 createSecureEmail: Creating signed and encrypted email digestAlgorithm: sha1 Creating multipart signed email createMultipartSigned: fromEmailAddress: XXXXX Searching for certificate based on email address.. micalg: sha1 createPkcs7Signature: hashAlgorithm: sha1 detachedSignature: 1 numSigningCerts: 1 issuerSerialNum: 3A numAsnBytesToSign: 35 rsaSigLen: 256 buildCertChain: startCertDN: XXXXXXX verifyCertSignature: unsignSslSig: Pkcs1_5_decode: Invalid PKCS v1.5 PS separator
I found the problem and made the fix. This new build should fix it:
I have the same error with chilkat ActiveX (ChilkatVersion: Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: ActiveX)
Is this problem fixed in an ActiveX build?
Thank you