I have a problem with Untar. I'm trying to use/set the property tar.UntarFromDir = "/Users/chilkat/temp/untarDir" and I get the error message:
ChilkatLog: UnlockComponent: DllDate: Aug 5 2012 unlockCode: XXXXXTarArch_XXXXXXXXX RegKey: LibDate: Aug 5 2012 requiresPerm: 0 re-parsing expire date... Component successfully unlocked using permanent unlock code. --RegKey --UnlockComponent --ChilkatLog
Note that:
1. I use a permanent unlock code. 2. Compress to TAR working fine. 3. The support page ( doesn't help me, so please don't send me there.
Thank You, Ronen.
1) Please put LastErrorText's within <pre> and </pre> tags.
2) You've provided the LastErrorText for the UnlockComponent method, not the Untar method. See this:
You are right, sorry for the confusion. Please ignore/delete this thread.