Can I use CkSshTunnel(cpp one) in my iOS project? I couldn't find an equivalent in objective-c header file.
Xcode reported many compilation error when i try to include it in my application delegate.
Here is the new C++ lib build for iOS that includes CkSshTunnel:
I confirmed that it is missing. I will try to create a new build for iOS that also includes CkSshTunnel either today or tomorrow, and will post a comment here with the download link when it's ready.
I'm working on a Proof of Concept for an IPhone APP with SSH Tunnel and have the same problem.
I made my first tests with the content of
But the content of your new build is total different and that confused me a lot. I think because it is for OS-X.
Could you please provide SshTunnel.h also in the IOS version.
Sorry -- my fault. I had uploaded the build OS-X instead of iOS. Here's the new build for iOS:
I tested the iOS build but encounter arbitrary error from the debugger.(e.g. EXC_BAD_ACCESS).
This is my code to test the build, relatively simple and copy from C++ one. Any idea?
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
// Override point for customization after application launch.
CkoSshTunnel *sshTunnel = [[CkoSshTunnel alloc] init];
// Any string automatically begins a fully-functional 30-day trial.
BOOL success;
success = [sshTunnel UnlockComponent: @"Anything for 30-day trial"];
if (success != YES) {
NSLog(@"Unlock error");
// The destination host/port is the database server.
// The DestHostname may be the domain name or
// IP address (in dotted decimal notation) of the database
// server.
[sshTunnel setDestHostname:@""];
[sshTunnel setDestPort:[NSNumber numberWithInt: 80]];
// Provide information about the location of the SSH server,
// and the authentication to be used with it. This is the
// login information for the SSH server (not the database server).
[sshTunnel setSshHostname:@"mysshserver"];
[sshTunnel setSshPort:[NSNumber numberWithInt: 22]];
[sshTunnel setSshLogin:@"username"];
[sshTunnel setSshPassword:@"password"];
// Start accepting connections in a background thread.
// The SSH tunnels are autonomously run in a background
// thread. There is one background thread for accepting
// connections, and another for managing the tunnel pool.
success = [sshTunnel BeginAccepting:[NSNumber numberWithInt: 80]];
if (success != YES) {
NSLog(@"Listen error");
return YES;