I have a php page that connects to a remote server and gets a listing of some directories. These directories contain log files which are downloaded locally so that I can view them.
I went to load the page this morning and it failed to load. There was the followingerror
ChilkatLog: InitializeSftp: DllDate: Aug 9 2012 UnlockPrefix: DCSORGSSH Username: sles11-fs: Architecture: Little Endian; 64-bit Language: Linux PHP VerboseLogging: 0 SshVersion: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_5.1 SftpVersion: 0 channelType: session clientChannel: 0 clientInitialWindowSize: 327680 clientMaxPacketSize: 32768 Sent open channel request ClientChannelNum: 0 ServerChannelNum: 0 ServerInitialWindowSize: 0 ServerMaxPacketSize: 32768 Session channel successfully opened. ChannelNum: 0 ServerChannelNum: 0 Sent subsystem request Received FAILURE response to subsystem request. SSH read failed... Failed. --InitializeSftp --ChilkatLog
As far as I know nothing has changed on the page or the webserver.
To add some more info, I was able to narrow down where the error is happening. It happens when I call InitializeSftp()
I am using a pre-shared key to authenticate the login ( AuthenticatePk() )
Please help
Something certainly must have changed on the SSH server. Check to see if SFTP is disabled, or perhaps disabled for that user account, or maybe there were permissions changes. One thing is for sure: SOMETHING changed on the SSH server.