Using the CkEmail method, getMime() the resulting email string contains the "ckx-imap-" headers. Any way to remove this before we use getMime()? I know there is a RemoveHeader method, but does anyone have a list of all the ckx-imap headers?
Iterate over the header fields and remove each that begins with "ckx-imap-".
For example:
int i; CkString strName; CkStringArray saNames; saNames.put_Unique(true);int n = email.NumHeaderFields(); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { email.GetHeaderFieldName(i,strName); if (strName.beginsWith("ckx-imap-")) { saNames.Append(strName.getString()); } } n = saNames.get_Count(); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { email.RemoveHeaderField(saNames.getString(i)); }