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Attach a Signature to a PDF

Sep 04 '13 at 05:24

Hello, i need to add a digital signature to a pdf file and then encrypt it. This procedure has to be done with .net in memory (no uncrypted file should be on the harddrive).

How can i add the signature to a PDF-File and "attach" it into the file with chilkat ? i don't have use a detached signature file... :(

Thanks in advance.


You would need something that is capable of handling the PDF format, because a signed PDF is such that the signature is embedded within the PDF and is part of the PDF format itself.


Ok, when is chilkat-pdf coming ??? ;)

I still Need to do that and don't know how :(


There are a lot of PDF libraries out there that are designed to handle the intricacies of the format. I use QuickPDF, and I've found it to be a great product, but I recommend that you do your homework and choose the library that's the best fit for your requirements.


Tranks for the tip, i will try it...


Hi,i'd like to suggest you to insert your signature to pdf files and then encrypt it.There is a.NET software which offers to add & insert an empty page into an existing PDF document file. Besides, this PDF document page inserting library control toolkit allows developers to specify where they want to insert PDF in C# .NET class code.


Take a look at iTextSharp. I use it for other PDF work, but it can handle digital signing as well.