I am a problem when the user changes the language of your Gmail account. The mailboxes of Gmail also change name. example:
[Gmail] Trash (en) -> [Gmail] Lixo (pt-br)
How can I treat it? I need to keep the reference in English. The log says that the mailbox does not exist after the exchange.
Thank you.
Thanks! Better support for the GMail extensions, such as XLIST, are scheduled for the release following v9.4.1.
Guys, I found the answer! Just run the command XLIST and give a parser. There is information on the type of mailbox regardless of the selected language in Gmail.
iOS: [imap SendRawCommand: @"XLIST "" *"];
name: INBOX
name: Personal
name: Receipts
name: Travel
name: Work
name: [Gmail]
name: [Gmail]/All Mail
name: [Gmail]/Drafts
name: [Gmail]/Important
name: [Gmail]/Sent Mail
name: [Gmail]/Spam
name: [Gmail]/Starred
name: [Gmail]/Trash
raw command:
[* XLIST (\HasNoChildren \Inbox) "/" "Inbox"
* XLIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Personal"
* XLIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Receipts"
* XLIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Travel"
* XLIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Work"
* XLIST (\Noselect \HasChildren) "/" "[Gmail]"
* XLIST (\HasChildren \HasNoChildren \AllMail) "/" "[Gmail]/All Mail"
* XLIST (\HasChildren \HasNoChildren \Drafts) "/" "[Gmail]/Drafts"
* XLIST (\HasChildren \HasNoChildren \Important) "/" "[Gmail]/Important"
* XLIST (\HasChildren \HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" "[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
* XLIST (\HasNoChildren \Spam) "/" "[Gmail]/Spam"
* XLIST (\HasChildren \HasNoChildren \Starred) "/" "[Gmail]/Starred"
* XLIST (\HasChildren \HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" "[Gmail]/Trash"
aaad OK Success