Hi, i use chilkatmail with cobol and i have a problem when i send a mail with smtp port 587, always return an error of access denied
this is my program
CREATE ChilkatMailMan2 OF CHILKATMAILLib2 HANDLE IN hMail. * assegno il codice del prodotto modify hMail @UnlockComponent('***'). * assegno l'SMTP per l'invio della mail modify hMail @SmtpHost = ''. modify hMail @MailHost = ''. modify hMail @SmtpPort = 587. modify hMail @SmtpUsername = PAR-USER modify hMail @PopUsername = PAR-USER modify hMail @SmtpPassword = PAR-PASW modify hMail @PopPassword = PAR-PASW. modify hMail @StartTLS = 1. * creo ila nuova mail modify hMail @NewEmail() giving hChi. * titolo della mail modify hChi @subject = PAR-TITOLO. * mittente modify hChi @From = PAR-FROM. perform varying ind from 1 by 1 until ind > 10 if par-indi(ind) > space * destinatario modify hChi @AddTo (' ',par-indi(ind)) end-if if par-cono(ind) > space end-perform. * testo della mail modify hChi @Body = PAR-BODY.and the error message is* richiesta conferma di lettura IF PAR-RETURN = 'S' modify hChi @ReturnReceipt = 1. * invio mail modify hMail @SendEmail(hChi) giving ok. move zero to set-swer. move space to set-mess. if ok not = 1 inquire hmail @LastErrorText in messaggio move 1 to set-swer move messaggio to set-mess. *chiusura dell'oggetto generato destroy hChi. destroy hMail.
ChilkatLog: SendEmail: DllDate: Aug 15 2013 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: * Username: *** Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: ActiveX VerboseLogging: 0 recipients: TO: * TO: * totalCount: 2 --recipients renderToMime: createEmailForSending:xSigningAlg: sha1 Auto-generating Message-ID --createEmailForSending renderToMime: Elapsed time: 0 millisec --renderToMime progressTotal: 73466 SmtpConnect
: SmtpHost: SmtpPort: 587 SmtpUsername: ***** SmtpSsl: 0 StartTLS: 1 Need new SMTP connection checkForExistingConnection: Elapsed time: 0 millisec SMTP_Connect: Connecting to SMTP server smtp_host: smtp_port: 587 smtp_user: **** ConnectTimeoutMs_1: 30000 calling ConnectSocket2 IPV6 enabled connect with NO heartbeat. connectingTo: resolveHostname1:
Resolving domain name (IPV4) via gethostbyname --resolveHostname1 GetHostByNameHB_ipv4: Elapsed time: 62 millisec myIP_1: myPort_1: 64343
connect successful (1) Turning on TCP_NODELAY. socketOptions: SO_SNDBUF: 65536 SO_RCVBUF: 65536 TCP_NODELAY: 1 --socketOptions socketConnect: Elapsed time: 62 millisec SmtpCmdResp: 554 Service not available - access denied 554 Service not available - access denied
Failed to get initial SMTP response.. Will re-try one time... ConnectTimeoutMs_1: 30000 calling ConnectSocket2 IPV6 enabled connect with NO heartbeat. connectingTo: resolveHostname1: Resolving domain name (IPV4) via gethostbyname --resolveHostname1 GetHostByNameHB_ipv4: Elapsed time: 0 millisec myIP_1: myPort_1: 64345 connect successful (1) Turning on TCP_NODELAY. **SmtpCmdResp: 554 Service not available - access denied 554 Service not available - access denied InitialResponse2: 554 Service not available - access denied** Failed to get initial SMTP response again. --SMTP_Connect checkOrMakeSmtpConnection: Elapsed time: 530 millisec --SmtpConnect Failed.
--SendEmail --ChilkatLog
thank you Marcello
Check to see what requires for SMTP settings. Maybe it's not supposed to receive connections on port 587? Each provider should publish specific settings for its various services: POP3, IMAP, SMTP, etc.
Also, maybe it doesn't like the IP address from which your connecting?
Finally, Google the error message to research others that may have had the same problem.
Google "554 Service not available - access denied"
The port and the SMTP is correst but i need to active the Authenticated access, maybe this is my problem
now i try to change IP address