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LoadEml without decryption of p7m?

Oct 08 '13 at 17:20


I need to load the eml data of an email and then send it on via smtp without decrypting .p7m mime attachments. Is that possible? Email.LoadEml seems to decrypt the attachments and when I send it on the user only gets the decrypted version.

Best regards,



It's not possible because the email object stores the email internal in an object model. The MIME is parsed, dissected, and stored in an object form (much the same way that a Document Object Model (DOM) XML parser would store an XML document. This causes the exactness of the MIME to be lost, and this causes problems with PKCS7.

The Chilkat MIME object, however, can be used to load MIME without decrypting (i.e. unwrapping the PKCS7 layers) and the MIME API can be used to access the headers, bodies, sub-parts, etc. It's a trade-off: The lower-level MIME API can be used to access MIME without disturbing it, or the higher-level Email API can be used to access the MIME w/ the specific semantics that the MIME is an email (not something else, such as an HTTP request, HTTP response, or any of the many other cases where MIME is an underlying format for some other protocol, standard, or Internet technology).