I would like to update the dll file, but I have a problem, the latest version does not show the upload details, like BytesPerSec and ByteCount. What could be the problem or what is missing?
There is a small example works good with but not works with
With sftp
.KeepSessionLog = True
.EnableEvents = True
.HeartbeatMs = 100
.Connect("FTP-ADDRESS", 24)
.AuthenticatePw("USER", "PASS")
.UploadFileByName("/test.zip", "D:\test.zip")
End With
Private Sub sftp_OnUploadRate(sender As Object, args As Chilkat.DataRateEventArgs) Handles sftp.OnUploadRate
Label1.Text = args.BytesPerSec.ToString
Label2.Text = args.ByteCount
End Sub
Private Sub sftp_OnPercentDone(sender As Object, args As Chilkat.PercentDoneEventArgs) Handles sftp.OnPercentDone
ProgressBar1.Value = args.PercentDone
End Sub
Thank you!
This has been fixed/added, but I would need to know the .NET Framework version to post a pre-release download link..
Chilkat .NET v9.5.0 pre-release builds:
4.5 Framework, 32-bit: http://www.chilkatsoft.com/preRelease/ChilkatDotNet45-9.5.0-win32.zip
4.5 Framework, 64-bit: http://www.chilkatsoft.com/preRelease/ChilkatDotNet45-9.5.0-x64.zip
4.0 Framework, 32-bit: http://www.chilkatsoft.com/preRelease/ChilkatDotNet4-9.5.0-win32.zip
4.0 Framework, 64-bit: http://www.chilkatsoft.com/preRelease/ChilkatDotNet4-9.5.0-x64.zip
2.0/3.5 Frameworks, 32-bit: http://www.chilkatsoft.com/preRelease/ChilkatDotNet2-9.5.0-win32.zip
2.0/3.5 Frameworks, 64-bit: http://www.chilkatsoft.com/preRelease/ChilkatDotNet2-9.5.0-x64.zip
Thank you for your answer, I would like to use for .NET3.5 and 4 x86.
Thank you, it works fine!