Hello Chilkat,
I am using the latest 9.4.1 version of IOS API. How to get upload/download progress and bytes uploaded/downloaded through CkoSFtpProgress Class?
I am using your API for SFTP.
we are also planing to buy your API for using SFTP for the application to be in AppStore. So, we can buy only SFTP module for $199. right?
Thanks, Sai Jithendra
Hi Sal,
This is a user-to-user help forum, so you are probably better off contact Chilkat directly by e-mail regarding licensing questions.
However, it looks like a 1 developer license to SFTP is $149, up to 4 developer license is $199, and an unlimited developer license $249. All of the above come with 1 year of support.
That said, I highly recommend buying the Chilkat bundle. For less than 2x the price of a single component license, you get access to the entire suite of libraries, and while you might not think that you need them now, I think you will find that they will be very useful in the future. In particular the HTTP, FTP, IMAP, Email, Crypto, and ZIP libraries are very handy.