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Web Traffic Monitor

Feb 02 '14 at 19:16

Hi Chilkat Support,

I am searching for a simple web traffic sdk. Hence, I would like to know whether it is possible to use Chilkat libraries to do it.

My objective is to use it to monitor a web game (QQ farm game, currently promoting a Chinese New Year Dragon Tower Defense Game for a limited period) in Google Chrome. I tried to use an IAT dll hook to capture the traffic from Google Chrome browser but I am unable to get any web traffic. For now, I am using Fiddler to capture and edit the data (power of the dragons).

As my dll hook fails, my best guess is to learn to code using network traffic sdk. As I have some experience in using Chilkat libraries, I would like to know whether my objective can be done using them (maybe using port forwarding feature).

Please advise.

Wish all your staffs have a Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year !

Best regards dragon