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Delphi DLL: File not found CC32120MT.DLL

Aug 20 '12 at 14:34

Hi, I downloaded your product Delphi DLL XE2, but when I run a test application I get error file not found CC32120MT.DLL. For your information I have Delphi XE2.


The CC32120MT.DLL is the C++ Builder XE2 32-bit runtime lib.

Unfortunately, the Chilkat v9.3.2 DLL for Delphi XE2 was linked with the Project-->Options-->C++ Linker-->Link With Dynamic RTL option set to True.

This new build is created with the option set to False, thereby removing the dependency with the C++ Builder runtime lib. The "Project-->Options-->C++ Linker-->Link with the Delphi Runtime Library" is also set to False for the new build:

This change will be included in the next and all future versions.