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Problem whit GetUidls pop3

May 20 '14 at 08:38


I have the following function,according to the example published in chilckat:

Public Function recibir_correo() As EmailBundle

    Dim mailman As New MailMan

    'Liberaremos la libreria.

    If Not validar(mailman) Then

        Throw New Exception("DLL ChilkatDoNet2 no disponible")

    End If
    'Configuraremos el servidor segun los datos configurados en la bdd.

    mailman = servidor(mailman)

    'Cargamos la lista de correos ya leidos.

    Dim saSeenUidls As New Chilkat.StringArray()

    If (saSeenUidls.LoadFromFile(Application.StartupPath & "\Resources\seenUidls.txt") <> True)


        Throw New Exception("Error al cargar registros de correos.(No existe el archivo

seenUidls.txt en la carpeta de instalacion Resources)")

    End If

    'Cargamos una lista de los correos en el servidor.

    Dim saUidls As Chilkat.StringArray

    saUidls = mailman.GetUidls()

    If (saUidls Is Nothing) Then

        Throw New Exception(mailman.LastErrorText)

    End If

    'Comparamos si existen correos sin leer en el servidor y solo rescatamos estos.

    Dim saUnseenUidls As New Chilkat.StringArray()

    Dim i As Integer

    Dim n As Integer

    n = saUidls.Count

    For i = 0 To n - 1

        If (saSeenUidls.Contains(saUidls.GetString(i)) <> True) Then


        End If


    If (saUnseenUidls.Count = 0) Then

        Throw New Exception("No hay correos sin leer en el servidor")

    End If

    Dim bundle As EmailBundle

    'llenar el lote de correos.

    bundle = mailman.FetchMultiple(saUnseenUidls)

    If (bundle Is Nothing) Then

        Throw New Exception(mailman.LastErrorText)

    End If

    'Guardaremos la lista de correos leidos.

    saUidls.SaveToFile(Application.StartupPath & "\Resources\seenUidls.txt")

    Return bundle

    End Function

but all mail is not returned in the server (uid),of 900 emails are only returned 825 UID, any idea why this happens?


After calling GetUidls, examine the mailman.LastErrorText and the mailman.Pop3SessionLog properties. You can see exactly the UIDLs in the POP3 Inbox. For example:

**** Connected to
< +OK POP3
> USER abc123
< +OK Send your password
> PASS ****
< +OK Mailbox locked and ready
< +OK 290 messages (23556033 octets)
< 1 61048
2 61065
3 61119
4 61140
5 61156
6 61222
7 61242
8 61329
9 61334
10 61435
11 61528
12 61529
13 61539
14 61547
15 61565
16 61574
17 61722
18 61781
19 61826
20 61834
21 61881
22 61923
23 62012
24 62016
25 62028
26 62050
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29 62107
30 62154
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