How can I attach digital signature and zip file to the following soap request using chilkat tools
The only way to answer this question is to have more information, such as:
Also, is the zip attached first or second? What does the expected SOAP request look like after attaching the 1st thing, and then what does it look like after attaching the 2nd thing?
Please have a look at the following
SOAP Request Parameters
1 userID
2 password
3 certChain
4 signature
5 Zip Attachment
SOAP Request XML File
soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
v:userID xxxxxxxxxx /v:userID
v:password xxxxxxxxxx /v:password
v:certChain xxxxxxxxxx /v:certChain
v:signature xxxxxxxxxx /v:signature
Zip shall be attached in second part.
An early response to this shall be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.