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Extract files of Chilkat Zip Self -EXtractor(EXE) with Windows service

Jul 15 '14 at 08:03

I have a exe file(Chilkat Zip Self -Extractor).It send me by a third-part. I have a password. I need extract all files without user intervention (from windows service).

First, I'd try putting password and path in command line. I only obtain a form to accept with correct path and password passed. I think that this is by the build of exe.

Do i need your dll+zip.pas? (programming delphi) What can i do?

Sorry, it is a bad english Thanks


Perhaps I canĀ“t do it.



Here's some information about CK Self Extracting EXEs:

Chilkat Self Extracting EXEs

Unfortunately, standard ZIP encoding is not involved in the CK file format, and the documentation clearly says that standard ZIP tools (including the Chilkat ZIP component) can not open CKEXE files and extract data from them.

So that leaves the possibility of a command-line argument for a silent or quiet mode of extraction. Looking at the Runtime Options section of this page:

ZIP 2 Secure EXE Documentation

It doesn't specify anything about a quiet/silent mode of operation, but there is a -unzipDir parameter where you can specify a directory to extract to. Maybe specifying a folder here will suppress the dialog? If not, then there might not be anything you can do, unless Chilkat has any ideas?