Hey, is there any way we can speed up the LOGIN, FETCH EMAILS, and SEND EMAIL process? It take at least 2-3 seconds per email, that is on 50mbps WiFi and not even on cellular.
Is there any tips to fasten all processes?
CkoMessageSet *messageSet = [self Search:emailStatus bUid:YES]; // Search ALL, UNSEEN or SEEN mail. We can choose to fetch UIDs or sequence numbers.
if (!messageSet) {
// handle error
NSMutableArray *uidArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
int messageSetCount = [messageSet.Count intValue];
for (int i = 0; i < messageSetCount; i++) {
[uidArray addObject:[messageSet GetId:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]]];
// Fetch single email per UID
NSUInteger uidArrayCount = [uidArray count];
for (int uid = 0; uid < uidArrayCount; uid++) {
CkoEmail *email = [self FetchSingle:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[[uidArray objectAtIndex:uid] intValue]] bUid:YES];
NSLog(@" << GOT EMAIL >>");
2014-08-09 18:06:10.614 WeMail[8157:3607] << GOT EMAIL >>
2014-08-09 18:06:11.911 WeMail[8157:3607] << GOT EMAIL >>
2014-08-09 18:06:14.723 WeMail[8157:3607] << GOT EMAIL >>
2014-08-09 18:06:17.764 WeMail[8157:3607] << GOT EMAIL >>
2014-08-09 18:06:20.572 WeMail[8157:3607] << GOT EMAIL >>
The problem was that I was saving the whole email object as well and this wasted time, not a good idea! Also all the if
statements and loops
and info saving to NSDictionary
. So Just check that your code is as fast as possible, leave debug logging at debug etc ;)