I'm using the android IMAP and SMTP libraries, and if I set RequireSslCertVerify = true on either of them, it will always fail:
09-07 18:37:47.318: D/ReportEmails(17379): checkServerCert:
09-07 18:37:47.318: D/ReportEmails(17379): Verifying server certificate...
09-07 18:37:47.318: D/ReportEmails(17379): validateServerCerts:
09-07 18:37:47.318: D/ReportEmails(17379): certListSize: 3
09-07 18:37:47.318: D/ReportEmails(17379): issuerDN_notFound: US, Equifax, Equifax Secure Certificate Authority
09-07 18:37:47.318: D/ReportEmails(17379): Unable to build certificate chain to root..
09-07 18:37:47.318: D/ReportEmails(17379): --validateServerCerts
09-07 18:37:47.318: D/ReportEmails(17379): SSL server certificate verification failed.
09-07 18:37:47.318: D/ReportEmails(17379): --checkServerCert
I've tried with several servers (example above is Gmail's SMTP cert) and none work. Do the Android libraries have problems loading the CA cert store on the device?
At the time of this post (9-Sep-2014) Chilkat does not have the ability to read Java keystores. Some possible workarounds are:
I too ran into this issue. You'll need to do a bit of work to get the Android root system certs and load them into a CkTrustedRoots object. Here is my solution for loading up the system root certs
PS> I'm also going to link from the online refdocs for Java..