Using Chilkat.Sftp dll, I am writing .csv file in the Linux Server.
I am using WriteFileBytes Function to write the file.
Function WriteFileBytes(ByVal handle As String, ByVal byteData As Byte()) As Boolean
Just noticed that, this function writes space characters along with the existing column values. Our database application which imports data from the csv file throws exception. After debugging, we found that there is additional space characters on the file.
How to fix this ? Do i need to use WriteFileText or any other WriteByte Method or WriteBinaryFile to overcome this error ?
The FTP protocol has some options to upload files in text mode (convert crlf -> lf) and you probably have those options set in Chilkat. The SFTP protocol does not have such an option. Most likely the source file you are uploading has CRLF bytes for line-ending. You will need to remove them yourself before you upload to an SFTP server.
The WriteFileBytes method sends the exact bytes to the SFTP server with no modifications. It does not examine that bytes that you pass to it.
Please think about this for a moment: Does it seem likely that for some insane reason WriteFileBytes will attempt to analyze the bytes that are passed to it, somehow recognize that it is CSV, insert SPACE characters are regular points within the CSV, and then send it?
Issue is, .csv file written by Chilkat.Sftp WriteByte Method has CRLF at the end of everyline. When i do it through FTP, i have LF in the end of every line.
When you call sftp.OpenFile, examine the value of the last argument (createDisposition) that you are passing. Refer to the online reference documentation for information about it.
Also, given that you must have code that opens the .csv, and reads its contents into memory, check to make sure the LF to CRLF conversion did not happen in the code prior to calling WriteFileBytes
Thank you Chilkat. Issue is solved. When the .csv file is uploaded, I am validating the .csv file by recreating a Temp .csv file in the Temp folder.
I recreate it by reading the data from .csv file and ensure about CR LF or LF.
Below syntax, validates the .csv file and append LF in the end of row. No Carriage Return.
This works for either FTP or SFTP.
Dim strPath As String = String.Empty
strPath = "C:\Windows\Temp\" & _file_Name
Dim reader As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(.txtFileName.Text.Trim()))
Dim listA As New List(Of String)()
If System.IO.File.Exists(strPath) Then
End If
Dim sw As New System.IO.StreamWriter(strPath)
Dim s As String = String.Empty
While reader.Peek() >= 0
Dim line As String = reader.ReadLine()
Dim values As String() = line.Split(";"c)
s = s + line + Chr(10)
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try