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in the release of v9.5.0.48, CkMailMan has no put_ClientIpAddress method

Mar 09 '15 at 11:44

I found out that in the release of v9.5.0.48, CkMailMan has no put_ClientIpAddress method. How to bind IP Address when sending email?


Thanks. That will be fixed.

Here are new builds: 64-bit Download:
32-bit Download:

Unfortunately the official downloads won't change until the next version update. I'll make a note in the online reference docs...


Somehow the property got marked read-only. What operating system, architecture, and/or VC++ version do you use?


I found out the online document of CkMailMan is also missing put_ClientIpAddress too.

Only two properties left:

void get_ClientIpAddress(CkString &str); const char *clientIpAddress(void);