below is the last error dump, but basically if I send an email that is above 2000 bytes, I get a smtpcrlf error. If I take the exact email and chop out a few bytes in the middle to make it smaller, it sends with no issues. I know that there are no issues with the CRLFs in the body. These are automatically generated emails, and they only fail when they go above about 2000 bytes. Does sendEmail send it in chunks or something like that that would cause the server to complain? This is hitting a Netsol smtp server.
Thanks for any suggestions.
ChilkatLog: SendEmail: DllDate: Dec 5 2014 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: removed Username: removed Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: Visual C++ 11.0 (32-bit) VerboseLogging: 0 recipients: TO: xxxxxx removed totalCount: 1 --recipients renderToMime: createEmailForSending: xSigningAlg: sha1 Auto-generating Message-ID --createEmailForSending renderToMime: Elapsed time: 0 millisec --renderToMime smtpConnect: SmtpHost: xxxxxx removed SmtpPort: 25 SmtpUsername: xxxxx removed SmtpSsl: 0 StartTLS: 0 SmtpConnect: Need new SMTP connection checkForExistingConnection: Elapsed time: 0 millisec Connecting to SMTP server xxxxx removed smtp_host: xxxxxx removed smtp_port: 25 smtp_user: xxxxxxxxx removed socketOptions: SO_SNDBUF: 8192 SO_RCVBUF: 8192 TCP_NODELAY: 1 --socketOptions socketConnect: Elapsed time: 62 millisec SmtpCmdResp: 220 ESMTP initialResponse: Elapsed time: 47 millisec ehloCommand: EHLO JBAIRD-LAPTOP sendEhlo: Elapsed time: 0 millisec expectCommandResponseString: SmtpCmdResp: --expectCommandResponseString expectCommandResponseString: SmtpCmdResp: 250-STARTTLS --expectCommandResponseString expectCommandResponseString: SmtpCmdResp: 250-PIPELINING --expectCommandResponseString expectCommandResponseString: SmtpCmdResp: 250-8BITMIME --expectCommandResponseString expectCommandResponseString: SmtpCmdResp: 250-SIZE 65000000 --expectCommandResponseString expectCommandResponseString: SmtpCmdResp: 250 AUTH LOGIN PLAIN CRAM-MD5 --expectCommandResponseString fullEhloResponse: 250-STARTTLS 250-PIPELINING 250-8BITMIME 250-SIZE 65000000 250 AUTH LOGIN PLAIN CRAM-MD5 EhloSuccess: login_method: LOGIN auth_login: smtpSendGet: SmtpCmdResp: 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6 --smtpSendGet SmtpCmdResp: 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6 SmtpCmdResp: 235 ok, go ahead (#2.0.0) --auth_login CONNECTED to ESMTP server xxxxxxx removed authentication: Elapsed time: 218 millisec ConnectionType: Unencrypted TCP/IP --EhloSuccess --SmtpConnect checkOrMakeSmtpConnection: Elapsed time: 327 millisec --smtpConnect mailFrom: mailFrom: xxxxxxx (removed) smtpSendGet: SmtpCmdResp: 250 ok --smtpSendGet --mailFrom rcptTo: smtpSendGet: SmtpCmdResp: 250 ok --smtpSendGet recipient: xxxxxxxxx (removed) --rcptTo smtpSendGet: SmtpCmdResp: 354 go ahead --smtpSendGet mimeDataSize: 2821 smtpSendGet: SmtpCmdResp: 451 See 451 See --smtpSendGet Non-success DATA terminator response. smtpConversation: Elapsed time: 250 millisec Failed. --SendEmail --ChilkatLog
My bad. It was a CRLF issue, a system function was putting a CR on a string. The email server was just selective/random about complaining. Fixed now, disregard the question.
First thing I'd do is try with the latest version ( just in case it's a bug that's been fixed.