I'm assuming this forum is in conjunction with the "" website. I have a question about the licensing for Chilkat's .net framework if there are any officials or users on here that know anything about this. I have discovered your .net framework located at the following link:
I am using the chilkat framework to programatically create an SSL certificate. I use it to load a PEM, Key file, and then generate a .PFX SSL certificate. I like the simplicity of the script and so far it's the only thing I could find on the web that would allow me to create a .PFX programmatically in C#.
With that being said, I noticed after downloading and using the code that there is licensing to some of your products. I am only using the "chilkat cert" components. The application I made is not using more than four lines of code from the Chilkat .net framework.
Do I need to purchase any kind of license to use the cert components in the Chilkat .net API? I don't see any "unlock" component attached to cert functionality. This is not being used in any redistributed application or anything, it's a very simple application. Thanks.
In each of the reference documentation index page, such as at, the classes are marked as "(F)" for Freeware, or something else to show what needs to be licensed, such as "(C)" for Chilkat Crypt.
For anything marked "(F)" for Freeware, no purchased license is required, even if used in a commercial product.