I'm developing a file upload application for my company and have repeatedly and randomly encountered this issue. I know the bulk of the code works, as the majority (~85%) of the time the upload completes without any issue. However, certain batches will fail repeatedly, posting the following error message:
(The file paths are valid, I redacted some info from them)
UploadFile: DllDate: Jan 21 2015 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: xxxxxxxx Username: xxxxxxx Architecture: Little Endian; 64-bit Language: Windows Java VerboseLogging: 0 SshVersion: SSH-2.0-Connect:Enterprise_UNIX_2.4.04 Build 00 SftpVersion: 3 handle: 00000000 fromPath: \ uploadFile: socketOptions: SO_SNDBUF: 8192 SO_RCVBUF: 8192 TCP_NODELAY: 1 --socketOptions handle: 00000000 fromLocalPath: \ localFileSize2: 221344467 writeDataSource: smallWindowSizeUpload: getWriteStatusReplies: Received EOF Failed to read SFTP packet. Failed to read packet (write status response) in SFTP file upload numStatusMessagesRequired: 56091 numStatusMessagesReceived: 56090 --getWriteStatusReplies Failed to get write status replies (2) getWriteStatusReplies: readChannelData_2: genRead_1: Received CHANNEL REQUEST message requestType: exit-status wantReply: 0 exitStatusCode: 255 Sent SSH Channel CLOSE --genRead_1 --readChannelData_2 Received Close Failed to read SFTP packet. Failed to read packet (write status response) in SFTP file upload numStatusMessagesRequired: 56091 numStatusMessagesReceived: 56090 --getWriteStatusReplies Failed to get write status replies (2) getWriteStatusReplies: readChannelData_2: genRead_1: Received DISCONNECT message DisconnectReason: Received data for nonexistent channel 0. --genRead_1 --readChannelData_2 Received SSH disconnect. disconnectCode: 2 disconnectReason: Received data for nonexistent channel 0. Failed to read SFTP packet. Failed to read packet (write status response) in SFTP file upload numStatusMessagesRequired: 56091 numStatusMessagesReceived: 56090 --getWriteStatusReplies Failed to get write status replies (2) No channel for writing. ------------------------------------------------ totalNumBytesSent: 120369152 totalTimeSendingMs: 19766 totalTimeReadingMs: 14049 --smallWindowSizeUpload --writeDataSource uploadFileSuccess: 0 --uploadFile Failed. --UploadFile --ChilkatLog
I've been unable to pinpoint any single common element between the failed batches, they cover a variety of sizes and content. The failure is always the same though: a single missing packet after data received for a nonexistent channel. Occasionally, reattempting the upload will work, but that success is a rarity.
Has anyone encountered this issue before or know how to solve it?
Try the latest Chilkat version ( If you still see the problem, then let me know if you can provide a test account on that particular server and we can continue with this issue offline ( I haven't had any other similar problem reports..