I am using the code from the (Delphi DLL) HTTP multipart/form-data Upload example (slightly modified) and get this error on the Protocol Violation Report. "Content-Length mismatch. Request Header indicated 403 bytes, but client sent 0 bytes".
Fiddler shows Content-Length: 403 Content-Type: multipart/form-data: boundary=---etc but no data in the HexView after : 403...
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
This is the code...
ckHTTP := CkHttp_Create(); ckHTTPRequest := ckHttpRequest_Create(); try {--- any string unlocks the component for the 1st 30-days.} blnResult := ckHTTP_UnlockComponent(CkHttp,cChilkatUnlockHTTP); if (not blnResult) then begin ShowMessage (ckHTTPLastErrorText(ckHTTP)); strResponse := strResponse + ckHTTPLastErrorText(ckHTTP) + cCrLf; Exit; end;CkHttpRequest_putVerboseLogging (ckHTTPRequest, true); CkHttp_putUseIEProxy (ckHTTP, true); CkHttpRequest_putDebugLogFilePath (ckHTTPRequest, PChar(ExtractFilePath (Application.ExeName) + '\SessionLogFile.txt')); CkHttpRequest_putHttpVerb (ckHTTPRequest, 'POST'); CkHTTPRequest_putContentType (ckHttpRequest, PWideChar('multipart/form-data')); CkHTTPRequest_putCharset (ckHttpRequest, PWideChar('utf-8')); CkHTTPRequest_putPath (ckHttpRequest, PWideChar('/restapi/1/accounts/xxxxxxxx/envelopes.xml')); CkHttpRequest_AddHeader (ckHTTPRequest, 'Expect', '100-continue'); strXML := '<abc>This is the test.xml content</abc>'; blnResult := CkHttpRequest_AddStringForUpload (ckHTTPRequest, 'part1', 'part1', PWideChar(strXML), 'utf-8'); if (not blnResult) then begin ShowMessage (ckHTTP__LastErrorText(ckHTTP)); strResponse := strResponse + ckHTTP__LastErrorText(ckHTTP) + cCrLf; Exit; end; blnResult := CkHttpRequest_AddFileForUpload (ckHTTPRequest, 'part2', PWideChar(pstrUNCPdfFileName)); if (not blnResult) then begin ShowMessage (ckHTTP__LastErrorText(ckHTTP)); strResponse := strResponse + ckHTTP__LastErrorText(ckHTTP) + cCrLf; Exit; end; CkHttp_putKeepEventLog(ckHTTP,true); CkHTTPResponse := ckHTTP_SynchronousRequest(ckHTTP, cEndpointDomain, cEndpointPort, cEndpointSsl, ckHTTPRequest);
This is the log contents...
Path: DllDate: Aug 27 2015 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: BRIANDHttp Username: RS2010-DEV1:DEV1 Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: Delphi/C++ Builder XE2/XE3 VerboseLogging: 1 path: [/restapi/1/accounts/1170991/envelopes.xml] (leaveContext 16ms) AddHeader: DllDate: Aug 27 2015 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: BRIANDHttp Username: RS2010-DEV1:DEV1 Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: Delphi/C++ Builder XE2/XE3 VerboseLogging: 1 name: Expect value: 100-continue (leaveContext) AddStringForUpload: DllDate: Aug 27 2015 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: BRIANDHttp Username: RS2010-DEV1:DEV1 Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: Delphi/C++ Builder XE2/XE3 VerboseLogging: 1 (leaveContext) AddFileForUpload: DllDate: Aug 27 2015 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: BRIANDHttp Username: RS2010-DEV1:DEV1 Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: Delphi/C++ Builder XE2/XE3 VerboseLogging: 1 name: part2 localFilePath: C:\Delphi_2010\Temp Progs\DocuSign RestAPI Chillkat\SendToDocuSign.txt Success. (leaveContext 16ms)
Solved it. The problem was this line... CkHttp_putUseIEProxy (ckHTTP, true); This set the proxy to When I removed the line it all worked. Maybe there is something that need to set for the proxy, like allow HTTPS or something. I will hunt around. Would be nice if anyone has a work around for this as it would still be nice to be able to use fiddler.