If I'm sending email using Chilkat_9_5_0.MailMan and I have an invalid email (doesn't exist). The loMailman.SendEmail(loEmail) returns 1 (Sent). How can I get the information that it was actually failed?
A bounced email goes back to the Sender/From address.
From my understanding, you will need to handle those returning bounces.
If you intend to have the code work as a bulk mail system. Google has some guidelines https://support.google.com/mail/answer/81126?hl=en
I did not find an email validation within the Chilkat control. From my understanding, the email is sent to the SMTP server, then the SMTP server will send it to the domain SMTP. That domain will bounce it.
Any ideas on how to get the bounce back information then?
So I have to connect to my mailbox again (sender), loop on all the message and figure out which one are the bounced email? Sounds like a lot of work...
You can use a regex prior to sending on each address to determine if the address is valid. Here's a great place to start: http://emailregex.com/
Otherwise, if you need to maintain those address, yes.
The language I'm currently working in does not have regex built in, so one of the other developers wrote a handler for us.
Hi Tracy, I don't have a problem with the address being invalid using regex. What I'm after for is those bounced email that is valid yet doesn't exist. For example emailproblemxxx@chilkat.com is valid using regex but it actually doesn't exist.
You may take a lesson from bulk mail companies that are already out there. They send FROM an address that will receive the bounces. The REPLY-TO is the email you want the recipients send replies to.